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Sleep or Die!

We all need our necessary sleep every night. Optimally, this involves sleeping for 8 to 10 hours each night. During this period, our body regenerates completely and we become completely revitalized and fully prepared for whatever a life has to offer to us the following day. However, researches show that every third person on the planet tends to sleep less than 6,5 hours each night. This, in the long run, can have results more serious than walking around sleepy, drinking a lot of coffee and feeling bothered by a constant fatigue. Our heart and cardiovascular health are one thing that is heavily endangered by this kind of a sleep deprived lifestyle. However, this is just the beginning; there are many other health problems which are directly connected to a lack of proper sleep some of which may even be deadly or cause serous illnesses. The following lines will explain the manifestations of sleep deprivation upon your body, mind and overall well-being.

Negative Effects of Lack of Sleep

As it was mentioned above, sleep deprivation triggers numerous inflammations in the cardiovascular area, causing many other problems to take place. Namely, once we are not sleeping enough, certain parts of our organism are not working correctly the next day. If this goes on for a longer period of time, the negative effect can only be more prominent. Thus, one's arteries may grow harder, the person may suffer from a stroke, heart failure or an onset of some kind of a heart disease.

Additionally, sleeping influences your blood sugar levels. When you do not sleep enough, these are imbalanced, since your body cannot produce enough insulin to achieve this harmony. Rather, the sugar levels get abnormal, the body produces extra insulin and, thereby, damages the heart and otherorgans.

How to Sleep Regularly?

Since sleeping is, obviously a necessity, you need to ensure at least 8 hours of this activity each night. If you are experiencing troubles achieving this process, the last thing you should do is to turn to medications. Once you start taking sleeping pills, your body will become more and more immune to them, making you increase the dosage, resulting in the increase of the negative side-effects. Also, these pills can be addictive and make you sleepy even during the day, causing you to be a danger for others while in car or handling other situations.

Therefore, you are to learn how to relax naturally, while avoiding coffee and TV late at night. Take a soothing bath and make sure your room is well ventilated and clean. Make sure you stimulate your body to get sleepy and provide it the necessary sleep time. This will reflect upon your health in a very positive way.

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