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Knuckle Cracking Characteristics

Many people enjoy cracking theirknuckles. Moreover, most of the time they are not even aware ofperforming this action since it has become their habit. Also, manydevelop knuckle cracking addiction while they are young, due to theinteresting noise produced in the process. For older people, thisprocedure may give a sensation of relaxation and discomfort reliefregarding the knuckle area.

If you are wondering why and how thiscracking sound takes place, there is a bit of both physics andchemistry involved in the process. Namely, when we pull our fingersor apply pressure to our knuckles, they stretch further from theirusual positions. This action causes the fluid which is supposed tolubricate our joints to change its physical state, becoming gas. Once, we strain the bones and the joints by pressure or pulling, thepressure inside our joints decreases, causing gas compression and theproduction of this sound. Additionally, once this is done, it takesabout half an hour for this fluid to return to its previous state.This is why, once we crack our knuckles, or some other parts of ourbody, we are unable to repeat the effect shortly afterwards.

Can This Action Cause Us Problems?

Firstly, many people claim thatcracking your knuckles too often may easily lead to development ofosteoarthritis or some other joint diseases and conditions. However,numerous different researches have shown that this is not the case,and that knuckle cracking is unable to harm healthy joints.Nevertheless, this action may lead to muscle, cartilage or tendondamage if performed too frequently. Also, if you are alreadysuffering from some illnesses or infections affecting these areas, itis best to restrain from knuckle cracking since this can only makethings worse, triggering additional pain and swelling.

Unfortunately, the list of negativeeffects does not stop there. Excessive knuckle cracking may reducethe strength and intensity of your hand grip. Moreover, this actionmay even cause skin damage. So, if you crack your knuckles too often,the skin above them may harden and become more stiff or deformed.Finally, your general joint strength may be reduced if you enjoy thisbad habit for a longer period of time.

All in all, knuckle cracking may bedangerous in the long run. Approximately, our knuckles may endureseveral years of abuse of continual abuse of this type before showingsome more serious side-effects. That being said, be careful and avoiddoing this to often in order to preserve your knuckles and keep yourhand joints fully functioning.

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