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Neck Cracking Characteristics

As the name itself suggests, neckcracking involves production of a specific popping or cracking soundin your neck area while standing up or changing the position in whichyour neck has been for a longer period of time. It is a common soundand most people are to experience it during their lives. This soundmay be heard in all of our joints like in our knees, elbows,shoulders, toes, etc. Nevertheless, many people are worried by thissound, especially if it is located in the neck. Namely, most areconsidered about the safety of this phenomenon for our health andoverall well-being.

Why Does It Happen?

Neck cracking is all about simplephysics and a bit of chemistry. Our neck, as well as all other jointswe have in our body, has certain fluids in its joint. These fluidsserve for lubrication and friction removal during the movementprocess. However, once we stretch our neck, the fluid inside of itstretches as well. Due to this action, the pressure inside thelocation of the fluid decreases, thus triggering specific reactionsinside the fluid itself. Taking into consideration the fact that thisfluid is made out of several chemicals, it is not hard to imaginethat some of them react to the pressure decrease mentioned above. Thereaction involves creation of small bubbles in the fluid, the burstof which results in the cracking sound we hear. Yet, the question ofsafety and type of nature of this action remains unsolved.

Is It a Good Thing To Happen?

The answer is quite ambivalent. Somepeople think that this cracking sound is good. Truly, people tend tocause it in order to provide themselves relief. People even givemoney to chiropractors only to have various parts of their bodiesstretched and cracked. All these facts lead a large part of people tothink that neck cracking is a good and positive sound of gettingrelieved of pain and discomfort.

On the other hand, there are people whobeg to differ. These people believe that too much cracking of neckmay lead to deterioration of the cartilage inside the joints,resulting in pain and possible inflammations. Moreover, tendons andligaments may get damaged due to overstretching, causing arthritis orsome other illnesses on the long run.

Additionally, some pessimists believethat excessive neck cracking may lead to applying pressure on thearteries running through this area up to the brain. This pressure,according to them, may easily result on the creation of clots able totrigger a stroke. Regardless of their opinions, this situation isvery unlikely but possible nevertheless.

Therefore, crack your neck only whenyou are experiencing pain or discomfort and require relief.

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