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The focus of this text will be the isometric contractions, which are associated with muscle activation while the muscles are not lengthened or shortened, but they are kept in a fixed position. People with the blood pressure problems cannot perform these exercises, but to others they may prove to be very beneficial. Passive stretch (muscle length’s inactive lengthening), isometric (muscle's length is fixed), eccentric (muscle's length is actively lengthened) and concentric contraction (muscle's length is actively shortened) are four types of contraction, which are based on various modes for activation of the muscles. We will focus on one of these four, which is isometric contraction.

Isometric Contraction

First we will see what isometric contractions are. They are exercises that involve contractions of the muscles, but without muscle's length change. They are strength exercises that are associated with unchanged joint angle and length of the muscle. There are two words in isometric and they are iso, which stands for equal, and metric, which stands for distance. The name of these exercises, which have to be done in static position, is isometric exercises.


We do these exercises while performing activities during the day, like gripping an object, taking a bag of fruits, or lifting some object that is unmovable. During these exercises, the arm is not moved but the activation of the muscles is present, like when we are pushing a wall. You can include these exercises in your program. Also, flat belly and full body exercises may be performed due to the isometric workout, since they provide quick workout and muscular contraction considered maximum. If you do not like regular exercises, or you just do not have enough time for them, the isometric exercises may be perfect for you. There are many muscles that can be activated if you do these exercises for 7 to 10 seconds, and by increasing the weight or resistance, you will get stronger muscles. The strength of the localized muscles and joints can be increased with the help of these excursuses, which need no additional equipment. These exercises focus on one joint, unlike other exercises that involve dynamic contractions. As we have mentioned, those with blood circulation or heart problems should not practice these exercises, since they can lead to increased blood pressure. The blood pressure and isometric contractions are basically related negatively. See a doctor if you are having these problems and wish to perform isometric exercises.

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