Athletes and people actively engaged in sports frequently experience torn cartilage in different joints of the body. Besides active people, these problems are also seen in different injuries caused by some unexpected impact.
Cartilage connects our bones with our joints, so we could be flexible and move around. This structure is responsible for prevention of injuries due to wear and tear and it is found in all joints of the human body, such as wrists, hips, knees, ribs or shoulders.
Cartilage Torn in Arms
If a person tears the wrist cartilage he or she must be experiencing very poor mobility of the wrist and problems with all wrist movements. Shoulder joint is ball socket joint, but because the socket is fairly shallow shoulder may be considered weak structure. Labrum is cartilage cuff which supports the shoulder joint actually going around it. That’s why shoulder joint is stabile enough and able to perform variety of movements. Labrum cartilage is thick but it can be torn and this condition is known as torn cartilage in the shoulder.
Problems with Ribs Cartilage
Cartilage found in the chest is responsible for attachment of the ribs either to the chest bone or to the sternum, depending on the rib position. When this cartilage gets torn, this is a serious medical problem, extremely painful for the patient. This condition is also called costochondral separation and usually appears in people suffering from trauma and sudden physical injuries. In most cases, these patients are advised to rest completely and apply some ice packs to the injured ribs. To relieve this severe pain, ice packs should be left on the injury for some 30 minutes and then applied every 3 to 4 hours. Patients may also be advised to use rib cage, if the pain is unbearable.
Torn Cartilage in Legs
Hip cartilage may get torn after some physical injuries or trauma to the hip, which often happens to sport players and athletes. Baseball or soccer player much frequently injure their knee cartilage. Knee has several structures for protection and normal function. Cartilage of the knee is known as meniscus and its function is to protect the knee from shocks after some intense physical activities. Meniscus may be damaged due to the excessive wear or because of the tear, but both conditions are known to cause a lot of pain. To treat torn meniscus, patients must have surgical procedure.
Injuries of the foot, ankle or calf may cause increased strain and tear of the ligaments and tendons. In many cases, symptoms of sprained ankle have been proven to be associated with torn cartilage in this part of the body.
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