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Peer pressure is something all of us experience at certain points of our lives. Namely, we are social beings and we need to interact with other members of our species in order to live sane, productive and happy lives. Yet, sometimes, we tend to follow the herd and do some things which we might not do on our own. Basically, we perform actions which other people make us perform and this is called peer pressure.

Positive and Negative Peer Pressure

Social circles you belong to may push you forward and grant you a better insight into education, give you chances of prospering and advise you throughout your life. This kind of peer pressure is considered positive since it focuses on progress. For example, enrolling in a esteemed school and being a part of a productive and creative class is bound to make you a better student too, not wanting to be left out behind the advancing peers of yours.

On the other hand, being a part of a social circle which abuses drugs can easily lead to you doing the same, due to the peer pressure again. This is a common scenario among teenagers even though adults may make the same mistake.

Peer Pressure and Drug Abuse

Adolescence is the period when individuals are most susceptible to drugs. Add this factor to the fact that during teenage years social status is very important and you will get a common case of people getting pulled down into drug abuse routine by the peer pressure around them. Kids commonly like to protest their parents and do things which they are not allowed to do, drug abuse being one of such taboos. Therefore, numerous factors may lead to drug abuse at young age and many kids experience this and make their friends and acquaintances do the same.

Moreover, drug abuse has been presented as something cool and attractive in the media. Thus, children, teenagers and adolescents may perceive this image as a desired scenario for them, abusing drugs in order to mimic their idols from the TV. Also, if a certain circle of friends abuses drugs, they are likely to expel a member reluctant to do the same. This kind of pressure makes most children try drugs once. However, when this happens, refusing the second offering is usually impossible and this vicious circle leads to abuse and development of addictions.

Additionally, young individuals who have problems at home such as parents fighting, divorce etc, are more prone to taking drugs, because they tend to seek refuge in this action.

Preventing Peer Pressure Drug Abuse

The most important tool for preventing peer pressure from forcing you to abuse drugs is listening to your instincts and refusing the offer out loud. If you feel that you do not want to take drugs, do not take them. Educate yourself about the harmful effects of these substances and know the reasons behind your refusal. If your friends cannot accept your choice, they are not your friends after all.

Talk to your parents regarding the issue. They will understand and give you support.

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