Junk food
Junk food in everyday diet
The other famous junk food representative is a burger. Burgers are made of meat and vegetables sandwiched between two buns. Meet itself is rich in proteins and vegetables provide body with fibers, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. However, buns made of refined flour and mayonnaise, ketchup and butter fillings, make burgers extremely unhealthy.
Indian junk food, also known as “chaat” includes amosas, kachoris, panipuris/golgappas, and patties. Their outer layer is made of refined flour and they are prepared fried with various fillings.
How dangerous is junk food?
Foods high in fat, sugar and salt are unhealthy. Excessive use of junk food may lead to obesity, increased cholesterol levels, hypertension and coronary problems. However, some people are deficient in fats and carbohydrates and for them junk food may actually be nourishing. Common sense should be applied to decide the proper diet.
Tips for better diet
The best possible way to enjoy junk food and avoid causing damage to health would be to prepare junk food without junk ingredients. Thus, pizza should be served without extra cheese topping, and burgers should be served on plate, as a meal and not a snack.
Reason should prevail. It is perfectly all right to enjoy junk food from time to time. The most important thing is to be smart and practical in planning daily diet. Regular exercise will also help to burn out all those extra calories.
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