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Calcium sulphate in food

There are plenty of food products that have calcium sulfate added by the food and beverage companies that make them. Calcium sulfate is added in order to raise the quality of the product. For instance, cheese or tofu have calcium sulfate in their process of making and that is normal. Other foods have calcium sulfate added to them for several reasons. Food with this substance will have a longer shelf life and its nutritional value will be better.

Baked goods

Baked goods have calcium sulfate added to them for more than one reason and it has become an important part of the process of making certain baked products. If there is not enough calcium, the dough will be soft and sticky and that influences the quality of the bread. Many companies that produce bread or some other baked product prefer to add calcium sulfate instead of calcium phosphate. The reason for this is because more calcium sulfate can be added without it interfering with the taste of the goods. Fro instance, if tricalcium phosphate is added the final product will have a strong chalky taste. Hot dog buns, hamburger buns and potato rolls are only some of the products that have calcium sulfate in them.


Beer is another product that has calcium sulfate as one of its ingredients. This substance is added because then the brewing water will have sufficient amount of calcium ions. Without the calcium ions, pale ales and bitters would not have that distinctive taste they are famous for. Calcium sulfate in beers means that those beers will have a longer shelf life and a smoother taste. The stability of the beer will be also bettered.

Canned foods

Lost of companies use calcium sulfate when they are canning vegetables or creating artificially sweetened jellies. Calcium sulfate had been approved by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration as the addition to jams and jellies. By adding this substance to the product it will prevent the premature spoilage and conserve the overall texture.

Frozen foods

Calcium sulfate is added to frozen food mainly to make the shelf life of the food longer and to play a role in the keeping of the overall sodium level from getting high. Lots of frozen foods have calcium sulfate in them, like Tina's and El Monterey's frozen Mexican foods or Nestle Crunch Dibs.


Lots of tofu products have calcium sulfate in them because of the way they are manufactured. This substance makes the tofu both tender and rich in calcium. Vegan cheese products that are being made from tofu also have this substance in them.

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