Dry Scalp Skin
If the scalp lacks natural oils, it can cause dry itchy scalp, which is then prone to infections. Frequent washing of hair with hot water and using harsh hair products can be a reason for dry skin of the scalp.
Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is actually an allergic reaction against some foreign substance. For instance, contact dermatitis can occur when you start to use a new hair product. This can trigger an allergic reaction that takes place on your scalp. When you start using your old hair products again, this problem gets naturally restored.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Hair thinning and itchy scalp can be a consequence of seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis is actually inflamed skin covered with dry or greasy scales, which can be grey, yellow or white in color. For treating this problem, you need to seek advice from your doctor.
FolliculitisFolliculitis is the inflammation of hair follicles, caused by a bacterial infection. The main symptoms of this condition are small red bumps full of pus that are formed around the follicles. They tend to crust over and break. This problem affects both sexes regardless of age. It can appear on your arms, legs, armpits and scalp and can cause boils and some other more serious problems.
Treatment for Itchy Scalp and Thinning Hair
The best possible treatment for itchy scalp and thinning hair is to treat the condition underlying this problem. This means that you need to consult your dermatologist. He can suggest you some possible treatments and medicines that you can use.
Antihistamines can provide you relief from itchiness, swelling and redness on the scalp. You can also apply fresh milk on the irritated scalp in order to reduce irritation. Mixing cornstarch and baking soda with warm water can also help you with this problem. Put this mixture on your scalp and allow it to stay for about 10 minutes. This will provide you short term relief. Aloe Vera can be used as an addition to your medical treatment, since it can help you restore the healthy condition of your scalp.
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