Introduction to dry baby scalp
When a baby has a dry scalp, the condition is often associated with the so-called “cradle cap” conditions, which is a lot like dandruff in adults.
It is a common thing for babies to have dry scalps that are flaky and itchy.
Cradle cap in babies usually occurs early, in the first three months of their lives, and the severity of the condition varies from child to child.
Some babies with the condition experience yellow, patchy and flaky scalps and while some do not experience itching, others do.
Sometimes a baby will outgrow the condition, but in other cases, the condition will follow the baby into early childhood, so it is better to treat the condition in time.
Causes and symptoms
Cradle cap is very common and in some cases, the baby will experience a yellow crust forming on the scalp, which is often oily as well.
The se skin flakes will appear on the skin near the ears, eyebrows and eyelids as well in most cases.
However, if the baby has this condition on other areas but not on the scalp then it is not cradle cap and is probably seborrheic dermatitis.
Dry scalp is not uncommon and at least 50 percent of babies experience it. IN some cases it can spread to other body parts and result in red and itchy rashes.
If the condition becomes serious, then it is best to contact the baby’s doctor.
Even though it is fairly common, doctors still do not know what causes the condition. It is not caused by allergies, infections, or poor hygiene. Some believe that it is caused by a hormone of the mother that is found in the blood of the baby.
There is also a possibility that it is caused by some type of fungus.
Usually, this dry scalp condition in infants does not require any type of treatment and will go away with time.
If the baby does not outgrow the condition then it must be diagnosed and treated, however.
A good idea is to wash the baby’s scalp regularly with a mild baby shampoo that is medicated for dry scalp issues, which the baby’s pediatrician can recommend.
It is also a good idea to use a gentle hair brush to loosen the scales on the scalp or to do so by running fingers through the babies hair.
It is important not to use force to remove these patches because that may cause hair loss.
Petroleum jelly can also be used, as can olive oil. Both should be left on the baby’s scalp for about a half hour and then rinsed away with mild shampoo.
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