Sore Spots on the Scalp
There are several medical conditions that are responsible for formation of sore spots on the scalp. These skin lesions develop in a form of bumps, sores or blisters. This is a common problem and is generally curable. In some cases in case the skin changes are itchy a person will additionally complain about crusting or flaking of the scalp. The person may complain about the pain that occurs either spontaneously or occurs if these skin lesions are touched.
Causes of Sore Spots on Scalp
In majority of cases sore spots on the scalp develop as a consequence of excessive washing of hair with harsh shampoos and conditioners. Certain ingredients of cosmetic products used on the scalp may be culprits of sore skin lesions. Namely, certain chemicals found in shampoos and conditioners make the skin dry and extract its natural oils. By becoming dry the skin is more susceptible to irritation and inflammation. Furthermore, folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles. This inflammation is another potential cause of sore spots on the scalp.
Fungal infections of the scalp are also responsible for formation of sore spots, dandruff and flaking of the scalp. The skin lesions typically occur in people suffering from ringworm (Tinea capitis). This is a common infection among children and features with itchy and red patches on the scalp. The affected areas become temporary bold. In severe cases the affected area is covered with painful blisters. The rash caused by ringworm is contagious.
Certain viruses are also potential culprits of sore spots on the scalp. The skin lesions on the scalp typically affect people suffering from chickenpox and shingles. In shingles the affected skin is covered with painful blisters.
Although acne generally affect the face, the back and the front part of the chest cavity, they may in some cases affect peripheral parts of the scalp. These skin changes are rather painful and develop in a form of red pimples. There are many causes of acne and hormonal imbalance is only one of them.
One more potential cause of sore spots on scalp is contact dermatitis. There are two types of contact dermatitis, allergic and irritant. Irritant dermatitis develops due to exposure to irritants while allergic dermatitis represents an allergic (hypersensitivity) reaction to certain allergens.
And finally, in some people sore spots on the scalp occur due to excessive exposure to stress.
No matter what the cause of sore spots on the scalp it is essential to be identified as soon as possible and person treated accordingly.
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