The Side-Effect of Sun Rays
Excessive sun exposure may have a lot of negative side-effects on our health and overall well-being. Therefore, one is to be careful and protect him or herself from it at all times. However, sometimes, we just want to enjoy the sun briefly. Unfortunately, some people cannot afford that to themselves without having to experience negative consequences. Namely, people who have a more sensitive skin, may develop small white spots on their skin, caused by the sun exposure. Additionally, fair people are more prone to this than those with darker tan are.
What Causes White Spots on the Skin?
Some of us are simply allergic to sun rays in one way or another. There are many different ways of these allergic reactions. Thus, you may have blisters, redness, itchiness and numerous other side-effect stemming directly from sun exposure. Additionally, headaches, nausea and fever may also be caused by the negative influence of the sun.
Secondly, taken into consideration that some of us do not have high enough amounts of melanin, white spots may emerge on the surface of one's skin due to pigmentation problems. Therefore, the spots may appear either before or after tanning from spending time in the sun.
Alternatively, some medications may cause white sun spots appearing on a person's skin. On the other hand, a specific kind of fungus may be behind this condition as well as certain illnesses and additional types of allergies.
Possible Treatment
One of the best cures for white sun spots on skin is the aloe vera. Namely, you may apply the gel from this plant, by cutting it along the length of its leaf, onto the troublesome spot on your skin. The gel will ease any irritations the skin might be enduring, resulting in disappearance of the spots.
If you are experiencing pain, irritation or discomfort around and over this skin formation, you may apply ice compression over it. Most probably, this will be able to bring an end to this uncomfortable fit and provide you with relief.
Also, you might choose some products available to be bought without prescriptions. There are several of these medications in forms of creams or other topically applied solutions for you to choose from.
Finally, bearing in mind that prevention is the best cure, you must avoid spending too much time in the sun. Whenever you do go out, make sure you wear light, long-sleeved clothing, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Wear a hat whenever exposed to the sun and ensure your proper hydration by drinking enough water.
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