People can be divided into two groups. One would includethose who will never try something new without detailed analysis, and even afterthat happens, they are still not eager to use it. Another group would includethose daredevils who are not afraid to jump in without knowing what they are jumping in. Which group do you belong to? Is there a third group, group ofpeople who are calmly trying to asses the situation and to discover the bestcourse of action? When it comes to health, this is where the second group has theupper hand. People are generally eager to try out some new supplement, to takea new diet pill, to try the latest exercising workout before even thinking whatthe consequences may be or whether this new thing is even good for them. This actuallyhappened with soy in a period not so long behind us. So, is soy good for you?
The good and bad sides
Soy is one of the several non-meat foods rich in proteins. Assuch, it is a perfect solutions for all those vegetarians or for people whosimply dislike meat but still need some source of proteins. Soy became popularin the second part of the 20th century and soon became a hit. Thismeans that it started becoming a regular part of the meals, and it even helped home budgets, because it could pass as some sort of meat at a fairlylow price. But, just as soon its expansion started, voices of those who opposedthis magical food arose. Then, scientific researches began and they reallyshowed that soy has a lot of useful proteins. But that is not all that itcontains. Analysis discovered unusually high amount of estrogen, which issimply not needed for healthy people, especially men. Soy has been a pert ofthe baby milk formula and analysis showed lower immune response in most of thechildren who used that formula.
Another problem with soy is the fact that naturally, itdoes not have a nice taste. This means that a lot of artificial flavors andcolors are added. Combined with additives for preservation and for prolongingthe expiry date, a combination of really unhealthy substances is created, the onethat should be avoided in spite of its healthy sides.
Conclusion and solution
Soy may be taken, but not all the times, and not in largeamounts. As with most of the things in life, moderate approach to this supplementwill extract the best of it, while its negative sides will not be so effective.
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