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The Bad Side of Good

Even though soy is considered to be extremely healthy, being a basic part of nutrition of Asian people and vegetarians around the world, there are certain dangers related to the consumption of this plant that a majority of people might not be aware of. Surely, soy prevents cancer and keeps heart diseases at bay. Yet, there are negative aspects which go hand-in-hand with it as well.

The Bad Sides of Soy

Soy, among other things contains substances which are not good for being a part of our diet. Namely, trypsin inhibitors, phytic acid, phytoestrogens and hemaglutinin are just some of these. Thus, people should not go overboard with daily soy consumption since this might be dangerous for their well-being.

Trypsin inhibitors mentioned above affect one's pancreas, causing illnesses. Also, it interferes with protein digestion in our organism. Hemaglutinin makes our red blood cells cling to each other, forming clots which can trigger various health problems, creating obstructions in the blood vessels. Next, the phytic acid interferes with our absorption of calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium, all of which are crucial minerals for our proper functioning.

Moreover, the plant hormones in soy can interfere with our own, affecting our glands, especially the thyroid, causing health complications like autoimmune thyroid diseases. These phytoestrogens are very similar to female hormones and can, thereby, make menopausal symptoms escalate or lead to reproductive disorders, especially due to soy milk consumption.

Once calcium cannot be absorbed, our organism lacks vitamin D. Also, soy, being rich in aluminum, may potentially damage our liver, if we eat a lot of it on a daily basis.

These are some of the basic dangers related to soy consumption. Luckily, there are techniques you can rely on, reducing the risks of having soy as a part of your diet.

How To Make Soy Healthier?

You should not stop eating soy. Rather, you should never base your nutrition on it, considering it the basic source of your proteins. Additionally, always choose fermented soy over raw one. The former is clear of most of the toxins. All in all, soy is a very powerful plant, having countless health benefits once its beans are consumed by humans. Nevertheless, we need to be careful and get only the best from soy, keeping the negative aspects of it at bay.

Thus, get your proteins elsewhere since larger quantities of soy consumed will trigger all the negative side-effects. Eat soy in smaller amounts or as a condiment, reaping all of its magnificent benefits.

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