In the case of the people who are more prone to be affected by the diseases of the respiratory system, it is sometimes very hard to determine which of the ailment, illnessn or disease is present. And that is mostly because the most of the indicators are the same for any of the related diseases, especially in the cases of the infectious process in the sinus cavities and the common cold.
So, both of this diseases are mainly focused on the upper respiratory system, or, to be more exact, they affect the mucous membrane inside the nasal cavities, thus leading to the inevitable consequences of the nasal congestion (because of the swollen membrane), the runny nose (because of the increased secretion of the mucus), headache (mostly felt in the areas of the sinuses), the soreness felt in the back of the throat and the slightly increased temperature of the body (as the normal response of the immune system to any infection).
Which symptoms are different?
Although n the number of the cases, the cold usually figures as the provoker of the infection of the sinuses, and they are so much alike, however, fortunately, some indicators are only related to cold and the other ones are only the characteristics of the sinus infection. One of the most noticeable signs of the cold is the problem of the runny nose and the mucus which is watery and very hard to be stopped, especially if the head is inclined forward and downward. Also, the sneezing, the absence of the slightly increased temperature (except in children), and the exhaustion of the body (because it is the condition caused by the entrance of the virus) are the symptoms which directly and exclusively appoint to the common cold.
Nevertheless, those signs could be alleviated by the higher intake of the fluids, and the simple soup from the chicken is the most effective folk remedy. The treatment may be also enriched with the drops to unblock the nose, the painkillers and the cough suppressants.
However, when it comes to the infection of the sinuses, the symptoms are the specific pain over the sinus areas, the post nasal drip, the blockage of the nasal airways, rather yellowish or greenish discharge from the nose, the lessen ability to feel the smell, and, most importantly, this condition is permanent, in majority of the cases.
So, the inflammation and infection of the sinuses could be treated with the prescribed drugs, mostly based on the agents that calm down the allergy receptors and those which unblock the nose, and the steroids in the form of the sprays. Also, very beneficial is the inhalation based on the beneficial aromatic teas, and the irrigation of the nasal cavities with the simple salty lukewarm water. But, when the condition is severe, the surgical procedure is the best option there is.
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