Sinuses are cavities in the bones around the nose. Many people have the problems with them. The medical term for a sinus infection is sinusitis, and it is a condition marked by the inflammation of the sinus cavities and sinus lining, which is the same as the lining of the nose.
Types of sinusitis
Sinus infection can be divided into three groups: acute sinusitis, chronic sinusitis, and recurring sinusitis. Acute sinusitis usually lasts about three weeks, while chronic sinusitis may lasts even eight weeks and more. When sinusitis appears frequently over one year, it is called recurring sinusitis.
Sinus infection can be divided according to the sinus where the infection appears. If the sinus over the eyes in the brow area is affected, it is called frontal sinusitis. When the sinuses inside each cheekbone are affected, then it is called maxillary sinuses. Ethmoid sinusitis occurs in the sinuses behind the bridge of the nose and between the eyes, while sphenoid sinusitis is the inflammation of the sinuses behind the ethmoids in the upper area of the nose and behind the eyes.
Causes of severe sinus infections
Sinus infections can be caused by the viral or bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract. Viral sinusitis does not last too long, but three to seven days. On the other hand, sinusitis caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pneumonia or Haemophilus influenza tends to last longer. Furthermore, people who have weak immune system, as well as people who suffer from diabetes and AIDS are at high risk to develop fungal sinusitis. Many allergens may be the main causes for the recurring sinus infections.
Symptoms of severe sinus infections
When a sinus infection occurs, it can easily be recognized by many symptoms. The main symptom of sinusitis is nasal congestion with a thick yellow or green colored discharge. When the nasal congestion occurs, facial pain or pressure may appear, as well as headaches. Furthermore, it is usual that the person in question experiences the pain that becomes more intense while sneezing or coughing. This pain may aggravate when one lies down. Sinus infection may cause severe pressure that can spread to the brain, and as a consequence, problems with vision, such as blurred or double vision may occur. It is very important to treat sinusitis promptly. Otherwise, the symptoms may become even worse and eventually lead to the occurrence of fever and pain in the whole body.
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