Sinus drainage occurs when the sinus fluid and mucus pass through the sinuses and end up in the back of the throat. This is a natural body process and this fluid is produced to keep sinuses from drying out. Small amount of it is swallowed everyday. However, sinus drainage can become severe and chronic as a result of inflammation of the sinuses which can be caused by several factors.
Symptoms of Sinus Drainage
Both types of sinusitis, chronic and acute, are accompanied with symptoms of sinus drainage. Sinus drainage causes a feeling of pressure in the face, especially around the eyes and behind the nose. Nausea, ear pain, sinus headache, bad breath and fever also result out of abnormal sinus drainage. Once the treatment begins, other symptoms of sinus drainage may develop too. This includes clear or thick, yellow or green colored nasal drainage, reduction in pressure in the face and sore throat, which all indicate that sinus drainage is resolving. Sore throat arises from sinus drainage in the throat.
Causes of Sinus DrainageSometimes sinus drainage can manifest in the form of runny nose and it is most often caused by the intake of spicy foods, inhaling an irritating odor or contact with other allergens. Watery liquid is produced as a response of the mucus-producing glands in the nasal area to these irritants. In this case, sinus drainage is a normal body reflex triggered by the presence of foreign substance in the nasal cavity and excess mucus is produced to clear out the nasal passages as well as to relieve the inflammation. The excess mucus is eliminated through the throat and results in sore throat due to allergic reaction. Apart from runny nose, allergen-causing agents can also produce sinus headaches and sinus cough.
Common cold is the major cause of sinus drainage due to infection caused by bacteria or virus. The sinus fluid in these cases stagnates in the nasal passages and becomes thicker. The thick mucus may become infected with bacteria because being trapped it provides a perfect environment for bacteria growth. This causes mucus discoloration and a bad odor. The infected mucus drains into the throat and upper chest spreading the infection. The treatment helps to unblock sinus passages and improve drainage.
Sinus drainage can also result out of dehydration. Sinus drainage is caused by inadequate fluid supply to the mucus-producing glands. Excess intake of alcoholic beverages can eliminate the water from the body and also cause dehydration leading to increased sinus drainage.
Remedies for Sinus DrainageIn order to relieve sinus drainage, one must eliminate the causes. This means to stay away from allergens and other irritants and remain hydrated. Warm soup, black tea and green tea can help to alleviate the symptoms on the onset of sinus drainage. Hot showers, inhalation, nasal irrigation and salt water gargle are also recommended.
Natural remedies for sinus drainage include garlic juice, apple cider vinegar, eucalyptus oil, mustard seeds, cinnamon and peppermint. Vitamin C and omega-3 essential fatty acids are also highly recommended.
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