A few words about the sinus infection
The infection of the sinuses, or as medically referred to, sinusitis, is one of the most common disorders of the upper respiratory system. The infection happens when some unwanted harmful particle from the environmental air enters the sinus cavities and settles on the inner mucous lining in the nasal and sinus cavities. Most commonly, these unwanted microorganisms are bacteria, which cause the infection on the membrane. The normal defensive response of the body is manifested as the inflammatory process, which is noticed as the redness and swelling of the membranes. That is why the congestion of the nose is the most prominent indicator of the infectious process on the sinuses.The most effective antibiotics
So, logically, such the infections, which are triggered by the bacteria are conventionally treated with the drugs that annihilate them and they are called the antibiotics. However, there are a lot of types of the bacteria and the most commonly prescribed antibiotics can be classified into several large groups: Fluoroquinolones (The brand new type of the medications), Macrolides (they interfere with the production of the proteins in bacteria and, therefore, their growth), Penicillins (stop the process of making the membrane of the bacteria) and Cephalosporins (damage the membrane of the bacteria).
Nevertheless, the two basic groups of them are the wide and the narrow spectrum medications, and the first one mentioned are recommended for specific type of the bacteria and the latter ones are recommended in the cases when the narrow spectrum drugs cannot help. But, the major problem is that the most potent antibiotic can have the opposite effect, that is, of causing the bacteria to develop the defensive mechanism to them, according to some researchers.
Anyway, the key to the best treatment of the sinus infection lies in the choosing just the right antibiotic. In addition, it is essentially important to know which of them is likely to cause the allergic response, since it could be very tightly associated with all the upper respiratory health problems. Also, the medication is recommended according to the seriousness of the infectious process, for example, Fluoroquinolones is prescribed in the cases of the permanent and advanced infection, while, on the other hand, in the milder cases, Amoxicillin will be enough.
Of course, even better and wiser solution is to try to stop the infection from happening in the first place. But, since it is not possible to stop the bacteria from entering the sinus cavities, one must simply pay the bigger attention on boosting up the immunity.
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