Introduction to virgin coconut oil
There has been a lot of buzz lately surrounding virgin coconut oil, and with good reason.
Not only regular people, but doctors and scientists are also showing a great interest in this oil, because it has a very specific chemical composition and many have reported miraculous health benefits from using the oil.
Unlike almost every other type of oil, which is loaded with cholesterol and leads to the blockage of blood vessels and the deterioration of one’s health, virgin coconut oil does the opposite, believe it or not.
Some of the many health benefits that people have reported from consuming this oil include weight management, prevention of heart disease, and improvement of the immune system, among other things.
Virgin coconut oil is extracted from the meat of a fresh coconut, and it is important that it be from a fresh coconut, because the oil extracted from a dried one is much different in chemical composition.
Pure virgin coconut is colorless, sediment free and has a natural coconut scent. It also tastes much lighter than the oil extracted from a dried coconut.
In order to get fresh coconut milk, you must squeeze out the coconut meat, after which there is another process in which the oil is separated from the water.
This can be done in many different processes, including boiling, fermentation, refrigeration and by centrifuge.
The most tradition method is through fermentation. The milk taken from the meat is fermented for a number of days, usually in between one and four, and in this way, the water is separated from the solid.
Recently, many people have been raving about the health benefits of virgin coconut oil.
It is used commonly for heart-related problems. The oil has been seen to lower the amount of triglycerides and lower a person’s cholesterol level as well.
It contains lauric acid, which is also found in mother’s milk. When a baby gets this from the mother it helps the child to fight various diseases and it also improves the baby’s immune system and the way that it functions.
Lauric acid works as an antiviral, antibacterial, antiprotozoal, antifungal and antimicrobial substance.
The oil also contains many other kinds of beneficial acids, including caproic acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid, caprylic acid, capric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, and oleic acid.
Virgin coconut oil is also used for healing injuries, both internal and external and it has been used for such purposes since ancient times in places like India, Philippines and other tropical countries.
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