During wet milling, the coconuts are soaked into water sothat they would become softer and the oil could be extracted from them. This isdone through a process called fermentation.
On the other hand, quick drying is a completely differentway of obtaining coconut oil. What it comes down to is removing the coconutshell in order to dry out the fruit and then squeezing out the oil fromit.
Using extra virgin coconut oil for hair care
Extra virgin coconut oil is known to do wonders for thehair. It can basically take care of any problem of the hair, starting from theissues on the scalp, like dandruff, to issues like split ends. Its nutritionalsubstances provide the hair with all the nutrients it requires, managing tocompletely revitalize it and give it its natural glow and smoothness. It’sgreatly recommended when the hair’s frequently been in touch with differentchemicals or devices used to either straighten it or curl it. Extra virgincoconut oil does not depend on the hair type, so everyone can use it. The goodthing about it is that it’s completely natural and that’s what makes it soefficient.
Using extra virgin coconut oil for skin care
Not only is it very good for the hair, but extra virgincoconut oil is also very beneficial for the skin. Applying extra virgin coconutoil to the skin instead of the products that are normally used to provide theskin with moisture will bring multiple benefits. First of all, extra virgincoconut oil gives the skin elasticity which it tends to lose from beingconstantly dried out from lotions. It is also very good protection from thegrowing damages that the sun can cause and it fights of the infamous freeradicals quite successfully.
The positive effect of extra virgin olive oil to one’shealth
One of the main benefits of extra virgin coconut oil is thatit provides the body with the protection from heart diseases and issues withhigh blood pressure. This is because of its high content of antioxidants. Italso quite good for the skin, and apart from successfully preventing prematureaging of the skin, it can accelerate skin healing in the case of injuries.
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