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Paleolithic or cavemen diet is the attempt to eat vegetation and red meat, just like the hunters and gatherers in the Stone Age. People that try to revert to this lifestyle also try to copy the strenuous physical activity of the cave people by exhausting exercises. Some of them also try to hunt for their food and look for the fruits and vegetables in their surroundings.

Archeological facts say that Paleolithic men lived 2.5 million years ago. They used stone tools and hunt for their food, and the meat used to be really important in their diet. They eat lean red meat, which provided more than 50% of their daily calories. About 10.000 years ago, these people discovered the cooking. It changed their lifestyle significantly. Before cooking, they hadn’t experience cancer, obesity, heart problems, osteoporosis or many other medical issues.

The Theory of Paleolithic Diet

Cooking and the use of grains, beans, sugar, milk, and dairy products corrupted the body and cause illnesses, claim the advocates of 21st century Paleolithic people. They say that meat and vegetation was all people ate during the evolution and it should be the best food there is for all people. Some nutritionists believe that the return to this Stone Age diet might reverse health problems and reduce the risk of many serious conditions. Milk and grains should not be used in human meals, because they weren’t used in the Stone Age.

There was no uniform Paleolithic diet back in those days. People eat what surrounded them at the time of the year and their location. This diet most certainly consisted of game meat, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Stone Age people never used grains, milk, dairy products, sugar, lentils, soy or other beans, so these 21st century Paleolithic dieters should not use those products. They are also strongly advised to avoid peanuts and potatoes.

Benefits of Paleolithic Diet

This diet is extremely rich in proteins, fibers, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids. It contains plenty of iron, antioxidants and phytochemicals and no traces of salt, saturated fat or enzyme inhibitors.

Side Effects of Paleolithic Diet

The potential danger is the environmental effect of many people starting to eat just red meat and no grains. It would cause many farmers to become ranchers and raise livestock. This way of living will damage the wild areas of the world, because these people will look for their food wherever they might find it.

Some nutritionists are not so sure about cutting of the milk and dairy products from the menu. They warn that even these modern day cavemen need plenty of calcium. Low fat milk products could ensure the proper amount of calcium and prevent osteoporosis, osteomalacia, tetany and rickets.

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