Oxalates and calcium are the main components of almost 80% of kidney stones. Therefore, people prone to kidney stones, and those with the family history of oxalate kidney stones are advised to lower the amount of oxalates they are taking with their food, in order to prevent kidney problems.
Some products contain more oxalates than the other. Milk and dairy products, meat, sweets and even some fruits and vegetables are very low in oxalates and can be safely used.
Oxalate diet comprises of proper hydration and food low in oxalates. As calcium is the other component of kidney stones, patients are advised to limit the amount of food rich in this mineral.
Dairy Products in Low Oxalate Menu
Milk, nonfat yogurt, buttermilk and cheese are very low in oxalates, and people concerned about their kidneys can eat these products without worries. However, because these products contain calcium, it’s best to take them in moderate amounts.
Allowed Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits advised for people worried about kidney stones are: plums, grapes, apples (peeled), but also cantaloupe and watermelon. Papaya and mangoes are also on the list of allowed fruits.
Some vegetables contain low amounts of oxalates. If you are experiencing some kidney-related problems, nutritionists advise using: zucchini squash, white cabbage, peeled cucumber or frozen green peas. Alfalfa sprouts, found in better supermarkets or healthy food stores are also recommended vegetables. Try to stay away from: green peas, spinach, kale or potatoes, because these vegetables are proven to cause recurrence of kidney stones in some patients.
Low Oxalate Meat Products
Low oxalate menu may include lean chicken and pork, turkey and lamb meat. You don’t have to worry that these meats would compromise your diet, because they are very low in oxalates. Eggs are also high on the list of food recommended for kidney stones patients. However, don’t eat sardines. These fish are proven to contain high amounts of oxalates and won’t be good for your kidneys.
Can You Eat Sweets on Low Oxalate Diet
Nutritionists say you can, but choose carefully. You can take a tablespoon (and no more) of jams and jellies to satisfy your sweet tooth, or sweeten something with a little bit of honey or pure maple syrup. Don’t reach for sponge or fruit cakes or marmalades in the supermarket, since you shouldn’t eat these products. Chocolate and cocoa powder were also tested and found to contain high amounts of oxalate. Because of that, people worried about kidney stones should not use any products made with chocolate.
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