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Thisparticular health condition can be described as the one in which the liver itself gains in size, and does so more than it is considered to be normal and usual. For those people who are not that well informed regarding this body organ and its characteristics, it is the largest gland, situated in the upper right area of the abdominal cavity. When it comes to its role, it is important to know that it is essential for the proper functioning of our metabolic system and the related processes that take place in our body. Namely, it is responsible for breaking down those vital nutrients, and also for facilitating the fats absorption in the intestinal region by means of producing the bile juice used for digestion. In case the inflammation occurs, then this is the indicator that certain more grave condition is at work. In a plainer term, it is also known ashepatitis.


Amonga number of culprits present, there are but a few of them that are considered to be most frequent. One such is the occurrence of an infection viral in nature, inside the liver. As far as those most frequent viral infections are concerned those are hepatitis A, B and C, respectively. Second in line is the alcoholic hepatitis, which befalls those people who have been heavy drinkers for quite some time. One of the reasons is that the metabolite, which is found in alcohol, is extremely dangerous and injurious when it comes to the liver cells. Third in line are of course various drugs, both medicinal and those recreational ones. The degree of liver damage in this case depends solely upon the drug dosage and the length of time that they have been taken by the person in question. Another important information is that, if the inflammation itself is present longer than six months, then one should know that acute hepatitis ispresent.


Whenit comes to the onset and the first phase, no manifestations are usually present and visible, and there is no unpleasantness felt due to the presence of the liver inflammation. After this initial phase has passed, a person starts to experience slight pain in the liver region, which is then followed by a more intense inflammation, swelling in the bottom part of the rib cage and softness to the touch. In case this continues, then the inflammation transforms into jaundice. Other manifestations also include the appearance of fever, urine dark in color, yellow skin, and the occurrence of the white areas around person’seyes.


Asfar as the treatment methods and techniques are concerned, it, first and foremost, depends upon the degree of damage that liver has suffered. And this can be determined by means of liver function tests. As far as medical treatment is concerned, there is unfortunately no technique for treating the cause of acute form of hepatitis viral in form. One of the ways to ameliorate it and speed up the healing and the treatment is by means of anti-viral medicines.

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