Round and unpleasant
These parasites are familiar to almost everybody due to their unpleasant nature to induce quite a number of infections, both in humans and in animals. Given the fact that each worm is different, so are the ailments they bring about. As far as other tell tale characteristics are concerned, they belong to the category of intestinal parasites, which bring about the occurrence of mild to severe infections. The preferred area is the gastrointestinal tract. There they absorb all the vital nutrients from the body of the infected person in order to secure their “well being” and existence. As far as various types are concerned, there exist those that are so small that can be observed only under a microscope, whereas some can be observed by the naked eye. Soil is their primary habitat, and it is from here that they tend to find their way to the host by way of mouth, bruise etc.
Indicators and symptoms
As mentioned above, the intensity of the symptoms can vary from moderate to quite severe. For example, round worms that attack people can bring about the occurrence of such manifestations as sudden and unaccounted for loss of weight, occurrence of abdominal ache, diarrhea that lasts for longer period of time (bloody in some cases), unrelenting fatigue, restlessness and having difficulties going to sleep. In certain cases, there can be present breathlessness, nausea and blurred vision.
Round worms varieties
When it comes to round worms that favor humans more than animals, those most frequently encountered ones include:
Ascaris Lumbricoides – certainly one of those most frequently encountered varieties, located in the gastrointestinal tract of its host. It can get as much as 40 cm in size, once fully developed and all grown up. The way it finds itself inside the person’s body is by way of eggs, most often located in excreta contaminated foodstuffs such as raw fruit and vegetables, as well as soil. Symptoms include distended abdomen, constipation and vomiting.
Hookworm – the one roundworm variety, which most frequently befalls children, particularly those recently born, as well as younger ones. Small intestine is their preferred location, but at times, they also tend to reach the lungs by way of bloodstream and attack the alveoli. Poor sanitation facilitates the spread of this roundworm, which is known to be able to cause quite serious infections. In case it is not noticed in due time, it can also seriously threaten a child life.
Pinworms – also known as the seatworms, a variety that reaches the inside of the body by way of contaminated food and known to cause severe itching in the anal region especially. Overall they are more a nuisance than something one should overtly worry about since they are quite easily warded off by means of such home remedies as papaya seeds, garlic cloves and salt tablets.
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