When you run into a term such as pancreatitis, there is no need for you to brake in the cold sweats, since this, a bit “scary” sounding term, actually refers to the condition known as pancreas inflammation. This body gland is situated in the upper abdominal area, right behind our stomach and it is best known for its role in digestive processes. The gland in question is responsible for the production of two vital substances, that being the digestive hormones and the digestive juices. Given its essential role in bodily processes, if such thing as a pancreas inflammation occurs, it should be treated immediately. The inflammation itself occurs once the pancreatic enzymes reach a body block, disabling them from reaching our small intestine and performing their regular function. Given the fact that their way is blocked, these enzymes do what they are supposed to, but in the wrong place, i.e. on the surrounding tissue, which unfortunately causes the occurrence of inflammation (i.e. acute pancreatitis).
The greatest majority of cases concerning the acute pancreatitis are caused by two main culprits, the damage induced by alcoholism and as a direct consequence of the gallstones. The first culprit is known to have the ravishing effects on peoples’ health in general, but one of the body parts that gets affected by it the most is certainly the pancreas, thus making the inflammation a fairly common occurrence in alcoholics. As for the latter culprit, given the fact that the gallstones represent an obstacle for the enzymes, they fail to reach the small intestine and therefore, do havoc in the pancreas instead.
Manifestations and Treatment
Given its nature, the most straightforward manifestation of pancreatic inflammation is, of course, sharp pain in the area of the abdomen. And these aches resemble those initiated by the gallstones/kidney stones themselves. The pain itself often has the tendency to disperse and affect other areas of the body, especially the lower back region. Among possible manifestations are also nausea, followed by vomiting, and bouts of fever.
In order for the person not to experience more serious and severe damage to the pancreas, this specific type of inflammation should be treated immediately after the initial symptoms appear. If not, then this can induce extremely severe digestive tract related issues.
It is also known that the inflammation in question can also bring about the occurrence of diabetes and even more severe illnesses such as the pancreatic cancer. As for the treatment, in many severe cases the people suffering from pancreatitis are put on an therapy based in enzyme supplements which provide assistance during digestive processes. In case this proves to be unhelpful, a surgical removal of the pancreas is advised. The best actions you can take in order to treat it while in the comfort of your home are the following – no alcohol whatsoever, transfer to a different diet (liquid diet), caffeine and smoking are to be avoided and plenty of rest is necessary. Also, you can alleviate your condition by taking over-the-counter pain relievers.
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