Severe Insomnia
Severe insomnia affects quality of the life and should be always taken seriously because it can be a sign of some health problem.What is Insomnia?
Many of you have experienced difficulty sleeping at some point of your life. This can be due to daily stress or some health problem. This condition is known as insomnia or sleeplessness. Person that suffers from insomnia usually has problem to fall asleep as well as difficulty staying asleep which means that the person often wakes up during the night. Also, a person with insomnia will wake up too early in the morning because of which he or she will feel tired during the day and have low energy levels.
What is Severe Insomnia?
If insomnia persists for longer period of time it is a case of severe insomnia that requires medical treatment. Person that suffers from severe insomnia generally lacks in enthusiasm and concentration becomes irritable and may even have suicidal thoughts due to lack of sleep. Severe insomnia can pose a serious risk to person’s life.
Symptoms of Severe Insomnia
Severe Insomnia is characterized by persistent trouble sleeping for many nights. Severe insomnia is accompanied with intense and prolonged symptoms of insomnia. That means that a sufferer will have difficulty falling asleep and remaining asleep during the night on a regular basis. During the day he or she can experience fatigue and uncontrollable daytime sleepiness. This may cause person to fall asleep unexpectedly during the day. Symptoms of severe insomnia are also irritability during waking hours and inability to work and complete mental tasks.
Causes of Severe Insomnia
Severe insomnia may result from many reasons. One of the common causes of severe insomnia is depression and anxiety but it may also result from other psychiatric problems. Significant life stress can cause severe insomnia and it may include financial problems, marriage problems and illness or death of a loved one. Disruptive sleep can lead to severe insomnia as well. Disruptive sleep refers to unwilling movements or dreams while sleeping, snoring and other disturbances. Intense pain due to chronic illnesses such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and neuropathies may cause severe insomnia too. Additionally, severe insomnia can be caused by use of certain medications or environmental factors such as noise and light.
It is important to treat an underlying condition that may have caused severe insomnia. Also affected person should make some lifestyle changes that may help improving sleep. It is usually necessary for person suffering from severe insomnia to undergo a sleep study. Sleep study can help to identify cause of inability to sleep. Treatment for severe insomnia may include behavioral therapy, medications for treating insomnia such as zolpidem, zaleplon, eszopiclone and ramelteon and painkillers.
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