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Fasting is a religious term concerning avoidance of eating in order for the body to be cleansed during certain religiously important parts of the year. This custom is not connected solely to Christianity, Judaism and Islam shares it as well. Fasting is considered to be the process of complete devotion to god, to the extent of refusal of participating in earthly pleasures of eating in order to prove one's faith and purge one's body and soul of sinister substances. Those who practice fasting believe that it does wonders to the organism making it an incredibly healthy thing to be done.

Scientifically, if a fast lasts longer than 24 hours, it may be considered as starving of the person taking part in it. Our organism has its own fat storage which is used as protein material while the fat we intake our organism transfers to energy. However, if, by fasting, we stop eating and in taking energy-rich substances, our organism has no choice but to take those reserves and use them for creating that energy, depleting it a lot faster than usual.

Detoxification, proposed by fasting, is supposed to benefit from the lack of eating since it allows our organs such as liver and kidneys to get rid of unhealthy substances since their income has been postponed during the fasting process. All the necessary bodies, chemical elements and substances we need for functioning daily, are found either in the fat reserves the organism starts to use once denied the intake of new ones or we get them from available outside factors such as the air webreathe.

Other positive side of fasting is thought to be more successful illness fighting. Namely, since we stop in taking food and energy, our organism has more time and freedom to concentrate on other things except digestive operations it does most of the time. It is believed that in this condition the organism is more likely to fight illnesses more productively than it does when “distracted” by food. More cells fighting tumors and such are produced and since the malign cells have fewer sources to draw energy from, they are more likely to be eradicated, making fasting an incredibly positive situation for our body's strength when it comes to fightingdiseases.

Finally, during fasting, our body is known to produce more body growth and slow aging hormones, that being beneficial to us. Also, our body temperature is more regulated during thiscondition.

All in all, some are for fasting some are against, but one thing is for sure, it can trigger some incredibly healthy things in our body and that needs to be taken into consideration and explored more possibly unrevealing more positive breakthroughs.

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