Indigestion is a condition that is characterized by the feeling of fullness during or soon after the onset of a meal and an uncomfortable fullness after a meal. It can also cause burning sensation or even pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, bloating and belching. Indigestion is also known under the name dyspepsia. The problems usually develops if a person is eating too much, eating too quickly or consuming very rich, spicy or fatty foods on regular bases.
What Are Characteristics of Indigestion?
As it has already been mentioned a person suffering from indigestion is bloated, complains about belching and gas, may suffer from nausea and vomiting and commonly has an acidic taste in his/her mouth. Furthermore, there is a chance of growling stomach, burning in the stomach or the upper part of the abdomen as well as a diffuse abdominal pain. The symptoms of indigestion tend to intensify if one is under stress.
Causes of Indigestion
There is a variety of factors that contribute to indigestion. For example, the condition commonly affects people who drink too much alcohol, heavy smokers and people who are under too much stress or are chronically anxious. Furthermore, prolonged administration of certain medications may influence digestion and cause problems. Some of these drugs are Aspirin and anti-inflammatory medications prescribed to patients suffering from arthritis. Spicy and fatty foods are also potential culprits of indigestion. People who do not have regular meals are more susceptible to the condition. And finally, indigestion may develop as a consequence of certain medical conditions. How To Prevent Indigestion?
People suffering from indigestion can successfully overcome the condition if they follow certain rules. For example, it is essential to have smaller and more frequent meals. The person must chew the food slowly and thoroughly because this way it can be easily processed further in the gastrointestinal tract. Intake of water must be optimal since water participates in digestion and makes it easier for the gastrointestinal tract to deal with all the food that is taken.
Every potential trigger of indigestion must be eliminated. For example, one should abstain from fatty and spicy foods, carbonated beverages as well as excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol. Smoking should be avoided as well.
It is also important to maintain a healthy weight and engage in regular physical activity or exercise on regular bases.
By adopting one of many relaxation techniques one can efficiently cope with every day stress and find it easier to deal with many oppressive situations both at home and work. Yoga, meditation and deep breathing are only some of the techniques one may apply in order to overcome stress-related indigestion.
In case none of the mentioned works one is supposed to consult a well experienced doctor.
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