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Pregnant women face numerous problems, among which are indigestion, bloating and gas. These problems are especially felt during the third semester. The cause of such problems can be located in the alteration of hormone levels. We will see what causes indigestion, what problems it produces and how it can be treated. Hormone level change triggers many chances in the body of a pregnant woman. The first trimester is filled with morning sicknesses, vomiting and nausea, while heartburn, indigestion, bloating and gas are felt during the second and the third. These problems can be very discomforting.

Causes and Symptoms

The problems of nausea, bloating and gas can be brought under one name, which is dyspepsia or indigestion. The process of digestion is slowed down and these problems are created as a result. The content in the stomach can now back-flow, since the esophageal sphincter is relaxed due to the hormones. It prevents the back-flow of the content from the stomach to the esophagus. If this is not done, the food flows back and heartburn is created. Some medications, coffee, garlic, chocolate, large meals and fatty foods can make the problem even worse.

The most common symptoms associated with indigestion are difficulty with swallowing, appetite loss, throat burning sensation, chest pain, burning sensation in the chest, nausea, flatulence, pain behind the breastbone, burning sensation behind the breast bone, bloating, gas, belching, fullness in the upper abdominal region, and pain at the same location.


A diet is very important during pregnancy and also for the indigestion problem. Some food should be avoided, and to this group we can add caffeine, chocolates, fatty foods, highly acidic foods and spicy foods. After a meal, a woman should never go and lie down. As mentioned, large meals should not be consumed. Eating smaller meals instead will certainly reduce the indigestion problem. Also, alcohol should be excluded or reduced from the diet. Fiber high foods should be included along with sufficient amount of water intake. Heartburn and indigestion symptoms can be controlled with the help of exercises. Keeping the food in the stomach can be done if a person lies down on the back and puts the head in a slightly elevated position. We can advise you to drink one glass of milk before you go to bed, since this will reduce the indigestion. Antacids are medications given for this problem. They are given if the problem becomes too great. But since these medications are connected with some side effects, we recommend peppermint tea, papaya, lemon balm, chamomile tea and similar remedies that can also help. More serious cases of heartburn and indigestion involve blood spitting, severe chest pain, weight loss and black stool problems. In these cases, medical attention is needed.

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