Constant indigestion is medically known as dyspepsia. This is a medical term that refers to several symptoms including a feeling of fullness during or after a meal and burning pain in the upper abdomen. Furthermore, indigestion may cause nausea, vomiting, cramping, abdominal pain, gas and belching. Indigestion is commonly associated with certain problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Even though these symptoms are considered normal if they occur once in a while, in case they occur each and every time after a person has eaten they must be taken seriously and the underlying cause needs to be identified and treated properly.
Causes of Constant Indigestion
There are many factors and gastrointestinal illnesses that cause indigestion. The problem always occurs after meals. There is no difference if a person eats smaller or larger portions of food. The symptoms will occur in both cases.
In some people indigestion is connected to certain food allergies such as allergy to wheat, soy or milk. Furthermore, some foods such as fatty and spicy foods are considered triggers of indigestion. Even bad habits (smoking, heavy alcohol and coffee consumption etc) can interfere in normal process of food digestion. Indigestion is also a side effect of certain medications.
Apart from the previously mentioned indigestion is a characteristic of many gastrointestinal illnesses. For example overgrowth of candida can reduce the number of beneficial bacteria and interfere in proper digestion. In addition, indigestion is also associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastritis, stomach flu and stomach ulcer and inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatic and liver disorders.
And finally, a problem in the motility of the upper gastrointestinal tract is responsible for functional dyspepsia.
Diagnosis and Treatment for Constant Indigestion
Diagnosis of constant indigestion can be set after physical examination of the patient and additional tests and examinations such as X-ray and barium studies of the stomach and intestine, rectal examination and endoscopy. These studies can efficiently rule out other conditions such as ulcers, bleeding etc.
The treatment for constant indigestion depends on the underlying cause and it basically includes lifestyle and dietary changes and sometimes medications. Certain foods which may contribute to indigestion are eliminated from the diet. In some cases patients are supposed to take only soft foods and liquids until the symptoms subside. Patients are due to have frequent and small meals, to introduce fiber in their diet, cope with stress, drink plenty of water and do regular exercises. Medications prescribed to patients suffering from chronic indigestion include antacids, proton pump inhibitors, H2 receptor antagonists and prokinetic agents.
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