Indigestion refers to pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen. There is also a feeling of the fullness during a meal and particularly after a meal. This condition is also known as dyspepsia. Often, indigestion is a sign of some underlying condition.
Symptoms of IndigestionIndigestion is commonly accompanied with loss of appetite, heartburn, nausea and vomiting. Bloating, belching and gases are present too. A person suffering from indigestion may experience also growling stomach, acidic taste, constipation and uneasiness in the abdomen.
Causes of IndigestionIndigestion is caused by inflammation in the stomach. The stomach produces a strong acid that helps in digestive process. The stomach acid may come in contact and damage the mucous layer, or protective lining of the digestive system which than leads to irritation and inflammation. This can be due to heartburn. Another cause of indigestion can be presence of bacteria Helicobacter pylori. These bacteria can be found in the mucous layer of the stomach in persons that suffer from gastritis. Stomach ulcers and stomach cancer can also cause indigestion. Other health problems that can result in indigestion include gastroparesis, stomach infections, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic pancreatitis. Also, indigestion can be caused by other factors such as overeating, drinking too much alcohol, smoking, stress, anxiety, lactose intolerance, aerophagia and use of certain medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes, indigestion may occur due to unknown reasons and it is known as functional dyspepsia.
Treatment of IndigestionThere are different indigestion cures that may provide the relief of indigestion symptoms. A person affected by indigestion must be aware of his or her eating habits. Eating too much or eating too fast can trigger the condition. In order to prevent indigestion, one must slowly eat and properly chew food. Excessive smoking and drinking alcohol can also lead to indigestion thus smoking and alcohol drinking has to be restricted. High-fat and spicy foods should be eliminated from the diet because such foods are usually hard to digest. A person should abstain from consuming coffee, citrus juices, carbonated beverages, chocolate, pickled foods and tomatoes as these may trigger the symptoms of indigestion. It is also important to reduce the stress levels and discontinue medications that irritate the stomach lining. Additionally, indigestion can be cured with antacid medications.
Natural RemediesEating fresh papaya is effective in treating indigestion. Aloe vera juice and herbal teas like chamomile, slippery elm bark and fennel tea are also recommended. To reduce the flatulence you should use turmeric, dandelion, cinnamon and gentian. Aromatherapy can provide pain relief in case of abdominal cramping. You may mix olive oil with essential oil of fennel, coriander or peppermint and massage the stomach or inhale.
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