A Set of Different Factors
Our memory and mental well-being are not separated from the rest of our body. On the contrary, they are quite dependent upon many factors from our life. Nutrition, physical fitness, character and lifestyle in general, all influence our mental capabilities directly or indirectly. Therefore, we need to take good care of our life in order to boost the performance of our mental functions, bettering our memory and concentration abilities. There are many things affecting this sphere of human existence. If you desire to know which these are and how to make them better, read on.
Tips and Tricks for Boosting Your Mental Skills
First and foremost, you need to reorganize your nutrition. Your brain needs minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids like omega3. Therefore, make fish, vegetables and fruits essential parts of your nutrition, providing your body with all the crucial elements it needs. Thereby, your brain will be given entire energy it needs to achieve maximum performance. Note that you still have to ensure proper sleep, dedicating at least 8 hours a night for this.
Next there is meditation and when you learn how to do it right; meditating can help you relax, deal with personal problems, remove stress and exercise your concentration and focus. Thus, it can provide you with all the mental workout you need, therefore being a crucial element for boosting your concentration andmemory.
Further on, you are to activate your brain to the fullest. An idle brain cannot be much of assistance. So, what you need to do is use that brain of yours for thinking and memorizing and concentrating upon many different things. For example, while watching TV try to remember sentences, information, memorize phone numbers and web addresses on interest etc. All this will help your brain develop these important functions.
Also, you need to learn how to set priorities for your brain. Basically, do not get distracted by other external factors and focus solely upon things you are currently interested in. Sure, noise, sounds, worries and frustrations can all affect one's mental sharpness. However, you should overcome it and learn how to put all those things aside while concentrating on what matters at the moment.
There is a Latin proverb: “Repetitio est mater studiorum”. This means that repeating things it the basic principle of all studies and mental achievements. Make good use of this proverb by repeating things of interest and expanding your memory with the stored data made permanent through repetition.
Finally, make your brain exercising fun and entertaining. You may involve music in it, or motivate yourself by assigning visual mental images to the pieces of data you want to store/recall. It is your brain you are trying to boost, so make it an enjoyable process.
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