Most of us have been taught about thebenefits of regular and frequent physical exercise. Basically, thistype of a lifestyle has many benefits, taking place both on thephysical and the psychological plan. Hence, the positive sides ofregular exercising are many, including boosting your stamina,cardiovascular health and athletic skills.
Additionally, this form of exercisingwill allow you to feel satisfied and happy, leading a more positivelife, while, at the same time, staying free from obesity, heartdisease and diabetes type 2. If you desire to learn more about theexcellent effects of regular physical exercises, read the lines belowand start changing your life into a healthier one now.
Physical Exercise for Better MentalHealth
As far as our mental health isconcerned, exercising promotes it too. Namely, people who arephysically active on a regular basis are much less prone to sufferingfrom depression, low self-esteem or any other, similar conditions.Satisfaction with one's body makes the levels of a person'sself-esteem higher. So, physically active people are usuallyconfident and more positive because of this, maintaining their bodyweight successfully, staying free from being overweight.
Taking into consideration thatchildhood obesity is a growing concern of the world, introducingphysical exercising as a frequent habit of children would surely leadto a significant improvement when it comes to losing weight andstaying fit. This way, children would stay safe from the peerpressure and verbal and physical abuse that overweight individualscommonly experience in schools.
Since our mental health is closelyconnected with our physical health, boosting the latter is bound toimprove the former. By keeping all the diseases related to sedentarylifestyle at bay, a person is capable of staying healthy.
Some research studies have shown thatvigorous exercising may have a more radical effect on the body,increasing the opioid peptides called endorphins, creating a specialtype of euphoria which all people indulging into vigorous exercisingfeel. This endorphin rush is commonly referred to as “the runner'shigh”. However, all people who exercise like this should not dothis for too long, since high-intensity exercising, in the long run,can lead to injuries.
Speaking of the dangers related tophysical exercising, it is important to note that not all peoplerespond to exercising equally. While some people manage to withstandthe physical requirements of serious exercising, others do not manageto supply their bodies with sufficient oxygen. Also, the diet of theindividual and his/her levels of certain hormones play an importantpart in this process as well.
However, one is for sure, stayingactive during your middle age is likely to make the years ahead ofyou better, providing you with a wide range of physical abilitieslater.
Boosting Brain Memory with Exercise
In a study carried out on mice in 2008,it was discovered that regular physical exercise boosts the cognitivefunctions of the brain in terms of spacial learning and the processof neurogenesis, keeping neuromuscular diseases at bay. Therefore,people who exercise regularly and properly are much less susceptibleto diseases such as dementia. Moreover, some experts even claim thatalcohol-induced brain damage can be undone through frequent physicalactivity.
These positive aspects of exercise tothe brain are mainly connected to the increased delivery of oxygen tothe brain, the boosted growth and development of nerve cells and theincreased production of brain chemicals which boost one's mentalperformance. All the effects have been proven to take place once aperson undergoes regular exercising in the long run, promoting thehealth of both his/her body and his/her brain.
As far as experiments conducted onhumans are concerned, one was published in the February issue ofJournal of Gerontology in 2003. Here, 55 subjects, predominantlywomen, aging from 55 to 79 had their brains measured for oxygenintake during walking and running experiments. Naturally, while somesubjects practiced a sedentary lifestyle, others were exercising on aregular basis. The results showed that the physically activeindividuals experienced less brain tissue shrinking than sedentaryones. Taking into consideration that aging affects parts of the braincrucial for memory, physically fit people are likely to preservethese functions during their old age.
Today, we live in a society ofsedentary individuals and, so-called, “couch potatoes”. This hasalready had a catastrophic effect on people, visible through theincreased frequency of deaths from diseases related to obesity andexcessive body weight. However, we have not been aware of the effectsthis negative lifestyle has on the brain. Therefore, the results ofthe fast food society are probably even more severe than we expectthem to be.
Therefore, stay healthy, both on themental and the physical plan. If you cannot afford to lose timeplanning out a regular exercise plan, walk to your office or take thestairs instead of the elevator. Modify your lifestyle to introducephysical activity. Your body and mind will be grateful and you willcherish their gratitude through health and well-being later in life.
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