The Smartest Thing on Earth
We often praise ourselves for being the most intelligent race on our planet. However, we often forget that our brain is far smarter than we actually are. The very fact that we are not using even one third of the overall brain capacities we have makes us far less smart than our brains actually are. Therefore, even after all of our achievements and technological breakthroughs, we are still unable to control our brain and lead it to its fullest performance. The human brain is truly a miracle, having more than 100 billion neurons. We are capable of storing information in incredible speed, revoke it in the same manner and receive new information, forever making our memory more complex and broad. However, there are dangers of memory loss, which can occur due to many different factors. Thus, you can only benefit from being capable of boosting your memory skills. Interested? Read on and learn how to drill your brain and improve your memory.
Tips for a Fast, Healthy Brain
In order to keep your brain fit, you need to train it. Therefore, do not lose time doing nothing and leaving this brain of yours spending time idle. Rather, provide it good exercise through playing games, brain puzzles as well as doing and learning many different things.
Next, since your brain cannot be well if the rest of your body is neglected, make sure you introduce regular exercise for the rest of your body too. Being in shape boosts your metabolism and in return delivers more oxygen to your brain due to faster blood flow. This way, you expel harmful toxins from your body and keep your brain healthy and fit.
Additionally, you need to know that people are social beings. Therefore, you need to spend time with other people, socializing, talking, getting into relationships and forming friendships. All these things boost your brain activities and make you less prone to amnesia, Alzheimer's disease and many other memory problems later in life.
Also, make sure you sleep enough each night. At least 8 hours of good night's sleep is a must for proper brain functions. Thus, do not neglect your sleep, it will reflect on the well-being of your mental functions. Finally, lead a healthy life, breathe enough oxygen, drink sufficient amounts of water and avoid caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and psychoactive substances. Have a diet rich in omega3 acids, vitamins, minerals and proteins, boosting the performance of your brain making it your reliable ally for many years to come.
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