Memory loss, or forgetfulness is athing that happens to a significant number of people, either fromfatigue, too much stress and worries in life or simply as a part ofthe aging process. There are numerous medications that help the brainto function better and boost our concentration helping us inremembering things and improving our cognitive skills.
Fish oils are known remedies for thistroubling fit. They reduce and remove any inflammations that thebrain or the nervous system might be suffering from.
Antioxidants, such as co-enzyme Q10,besides preventing signs of aging and slowing down the process aswell, are very good in boosting brain activity and preventingforgetfulness.
Red grapes, especially their skin,contain many ingredients which help improving brain activity.
One of many things causing memorydisorders along with the infamous Alzheimer's disease is lack ofvitamin E in our organism so intaking it is crucial for our barefunctioning, let alone preventing such diseases as the abovementioned.
One of widely used medications aroundthe world, regardless if the cause is fighting forgetfulness orsimply improving the brain performance is Ginkgo biloba. It is anover-the-counter medicine and, accepted as an excellent medicationwhen fighting dementia and improving brain operations, it can bebought without prescription in many countries in the world.
Herbs witch help decrease stress andregeneration of parts of nervous system, especially the Indian herb“Brahmi” are known to help with any kind of memory loss or memoryproblems of all kinds.
Red, orange and yellow colored plantscontain pigments which, besides giving them the colors they have, actas very good antioxidants.
Nowadays, scientist are on thethreshold of a breakthrough since, through various experiments, it isfound out that sage oil, and this plant itself contains elementswhich preserve parts of brain that Alzheimer's disease is known toattack, thus it's usage helps those fighting this cruel illness aswell as those who wish to protect their brain from it.
All in all, there are numerous herbs,supplements and medications in the nature that the only thingpreventing us from being healthy and in full shape are we ourselves.With years of medical development and history of relying upon natureand its regenerative abilities, nobody should sit and wait to forgetmore and more instead of helping him or herself before all isforgotten. After all, regardless of us, Alzheimer's never forgets tomake us forget, right?
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