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Dieting is the process that will lead to the weight reduction, which is very important for avoiding certain medical problems that might come after living a long time with obesity. Physical activity only helps in situation like this, and it is always recommended to combine a good diet and exercising. But what about the looks? Body will lose the weight, but what about the shape? Will it automatically go to a perfect shape if we exercise and eat less and healthy? Or do some steps have to be taken?

Fat areas

There are certain areas rich with fat, which are not easily shaped. Of course, the most common one is stomach area, both in men and women. But there are also some other regions that need a special focus. So, how to get rid of flabby arms fast? This is a question that is usually asked by women; men somehow tend to exercise arms first (mainly because of biceps). Flabby arms are a problem that might remain even when most of the fat is gone. How can that be eliminated? Well, the answer is simple, again with diets and exercises, but this time a bit more specific exercises, while diet can remain the same, a diet that burns fat.


It is obvious that cardio exercises should be applied for further elimination of the fat tissue in all areas of the body. And it is also important to make some sort of mixed schedule. For example, one day could be all about walking, while the other day can focus on swimming with aerobics for a third day. We can add some arm exercises for a fourth day and then the process can be repeated. It is essential not to think of the arms only; the entire organism should be active so that the fat burning process is continuous.


As said, a diet that works is a good diet. But if fast loss of fat is needed, perhaps some of fast diet is required. For example, cabbage soup diet that allows only small amount of calories has to be taken each day. It lasts for about two weeks and does have some strict rules that might even reduce proteins next to fat tissue, but results will be present. As for flabby arms, it has to be said that when fat is gone, sometimes a lot of extra skin remains, and it can be filled with muscles, but in extreme cases, corrective surgery might be needed.

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