An Unpleasant Secret
Many women keep their feminine smell asecret due to embarrassment or unwillingness to expose theirproblems. However, vaginal smell is something which should not beneglected but, rather, treated as soon as possible.
If your vaginal area producesunpleasant smells, you are likely to be affected by excessivebacteria in the area. This is usually caused by poor hygiene orexcessive washing, tight clothes you wear to protect the area,increased discharged from the vagina after sexual intercourse, abacterial infection or your menstrual cycle.
There are many ways of dealing withthis problem and, thereby, you should not ignore this, let alone leftit untreated.
Keep in mind that every female has adistinctive vaginal smell and that some minor changes in the odor areconsidered normal. However, you should get worried once the smellbecomes extremely unpleasant. This can interfere with your sociallife, your relationship, your self-confidence and many other aspectsof your own personality.
Treating Feminine Smell
The first thing which is known to behelpful is yogurt, containing many useful bacteria. All you need todo is to drink yogurt often until the smell ceases to occur.Alternatively, you may soak a tampon in yogurt and place it into thevagina for several hours.
Next, you may choose tea tree oil whichis an excellent cure for unpleasant smells as well as fungal andbacterial infections. Before applying onto the area, you are to mixseveral drops of the oil with some lukewarm water.
Also, focusing on the causes mentionedabove, you are advised to avoid wearing tight clothes. Rather, wearsomething which enables perspiration in the area. Cotton-madeunderwear is best to be used for this purpose. Alternatively, pantyliners can help you deal with excessive moisture in the area,possibly stopping the smell.
Also, you need to keep all the goodbacteria in the area. Usually, when people are washing themselves toooften, they get rid of these helpful microorganisms and, thereby,leave way for infections and the onset of the unpleasant smell. Donot go overboard, therefore, and do not use scented soaps forintimate hygiene.
Note that antibiotics will not restoreyour vaginal flora. You need to stop destroying it through yourspecific lifestyle in order to enable it to grow again. Then, thereis a high likelihood that your unpleasant vaginal smell will be goneand you will be capable of living full of self-confidence, happinessand relief.
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