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There are some mothers which woulddesire to give birth to twins. These may opt for certain medicalprocedures or medications. However, both these methods, especiallytaking medications can be potentially dangerous and do not guaranteesuccess. Nevertheless, mother nature has several tricks in hersleeve, increasing your chances of getting twins once you decide youwant to have children.
Methods of Getting Pregnant With Twins
First and foremost, you need to know ifyou have the necessary predispositions for having twins. Namely, youneed to have a history of twins in your family, either in yourmother's or your father's side. However, it is more likely you willinherit this from your father's side. This may not play such animportant role, but will increase your chances of having twinsnonetheless. However as strange as this method might sound, if you do nothave a history of twins in your family, you might choose an a partnerwho is a twin brother, since he is bound to have the necessary genes.
Another great method for having twinsis waiting a bit before you get pregnant. Researches have shown thatwomen over 35 years of age have increased chances of giving birth totwins than younger women have. Thus, you may organize your pregnancythis way, giving more chances for twins to appear in your life.Still, you should not forget that the older you are, the harder youmay get pregnant and more difficulties you might face during yourpregnancy and labor. Thus, be careful with this one.
Speculations aside, consulting anexpert in the field may help you greatly. Thus, talk to doctors whohave specialized in the fertility field.
Another method proven to work isgaining a bit of weight before you get pregnant. This seems toincrease your chances of conceiving twins, so you might give it a tryas well. Again, do not go overboard since obese people have numeroustroubles during labor and the pregnancy itself. Additionally, moredairy products in your diet means higher chances for twins. Also,introducing wild yam into your diet may make you more prone to havingtwins since this plant influences your hormones, causing hyperovulation.
Finally, practice makes perfect.Therefore, if you ended up with a single child, love it, take goodcare of it, and have more. Researches have proven that people withmore children have greater chances of getting twins. The rest isquite self-explanatory.
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