Introduction to External Hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids are enlarged veins of the anal area which protrude through the anus. These fleshy lumps are itchy and painful and rather bothersome. There are a couple of groups of veins in the anal area - the internal hemorrhoidal veins and the external hemorrhoidal veins. Inflammation and swelling of the external hemorrhoidal veins result in formation of external hemorrhoids.
It is estimated that hemorrhoids affect 4% of general population. The condition equally occurs in both genders. Typical symptoms and signs of external hemorrhoids include pain in the anal area, bleeding and anal itching. The symptoms are induced by excessive straining, rubbing or cleaning around the anus. Some people may palpate a hard lump around the anus.
Even though there are many treatment available for external hemorrhoids there are also certain preventive measures which are successful and if applied may avert the formation of external hemorrhoids.
How to Cure External Hemorrhoids?
One may alleviate symptoms caused by external hemorrhoids with certain remedies. In more severe cases there are medications and in none of the previously mentioned provide with desirable results a patients may need to undergo surgical treatment.
A pain relief can be obtained if a person takes sitz baths with lukewarm water several times a day. The baths should last approximately 15 minutes and after the bath a person is supposed to gently dry the painful area with a clean towel. Swelling and accompanying pain can be also alleviated with ice packs. Ice packs are applied directly onto the affected area and held for a while.
Even though measures such as sitz baths and ice pack may alleviate the pain and swelling, the inflammation of the affected veins simply does not withdraw spontaneously. A person is due to consult his/ her doctor and undergo physical examination. The doctor will opt for the most convenient medication. Medications for external hemorrhoids are in a form of suppositories or creams. Creams are applied directly on the affected area and they reduce inflammation soon after the treatment has started. The pain may be also alleviated with certain pain killers.
During the treatment one is supposed to wear loose underwear made of cotton or silk. Artificial fabric is strictly forbidden. Cleaning of the affected area must be gentle and the best option is to use wet wipes which definitely reduce irritation of the anal area.
Only if none of the previously mentioned provides with desirable results, the patient is suggested a surgery. External hemorrhoids are generally treated with injection sclerotherapy, rubber band ligation, infrared protocoagulation, laser coagulation or hemorrhoidectomy.
Preventive measures against hemorrhoids include change in a life style (especially if one leads sedentary life style), increase in physical activity, increase in daily intake of fluids and dietary changes.
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