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Piles or hemorrhoids can be divided into external and internal. External piles are located outside the anal verge. Unlike internal piles, external piles are far more painful. Both types of hemorrhoids represent disturbing health problem. These large and swollen veins apart from pain cause trouble with defecation. The problem with external piles is that they protrude through the anus and are exposed to friction and irritation which leads to additional complications.

Many people suffer from piles. 5 to 20% of all people have to face this terrible condition. General treatment for piles, both external and internal includes lifestyle changes and certain medications. Only severe forms of piles are treated surgically.

Causes and Symptoms of External Piles

External piles as well as internal piles are most commonly caused by irregular defecation. Constipation is, therefore, the leading cause of piles. In some people piles are hereditary. Obese people and pregnant women are more prone to piles than other groups. So, each and every condition which puts too much pressure onto the veins of the terminal part of the rectum may contribute to occurrence of the disease.

People who are suffering from external piles typically complain about pain which intensifies during defecation and itching sensation around the anus. Protrusion of piles leads to constant irritation and they become inflamed. They may also bleed. Frequent complication of external piles is thrombosis.

Treatment for External Piles

Piles are not life-threatening and can be brought under control. However, once they have occurred it is most certain that they will reoccur.

The diagnosis of piles can be easily set. The doctor asks the patient about problems and then performs physical examination. Rectal examination is performed as well. Inspection of the anal area provides perfect insight in inflammation and lumps which are tender to touch. Sometimes palpation may point to the presence of blood clots inside the external piles.

The goal of the treatment is reduction of pain and inflammation. Once, these problems are brought under control piles will withdraw. It is essential for the patient to make certain dietary changes. This will help in healing of external piles and it will also help in prevention of reoccurrence of the disease. People suffering from piles are also supposed to drink plenty of water which will help in softening of the stool. Pain and inflammation can be alleviated by certain topical hemorrhoid creams. Severe form of the disease and chronic external piles are treated surgically. There are several surgical procedures for external piles and they include rubber band ligation, laser coagulation and hemorrhidectomy.

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