Given the fact that cosmetic surgery has experienced a rapid upswing in the past decade or so, a great number of people today are more than familiar with the entire procedure and its specifics. For those who did not have any specific interest in it, basically this is a cosmetic procedure that is employed for the purpose of removing frowns and wrinkles on the skin of a person. Since the entire procedure, actually, revolves around the substance known as Botox, it is quite useful to know that this presents a more commercial name for botulinum toxin – protein, neurotoxic in nature, synthesized by Clostridium botulinum (a type of bacterium). Despite the fact that the above mentioned substance is highly toxic in nature, it tends to be employed in small amounts for the purpose of “remedying” such health conditions as strabismus (improperly aligned eyes), muscle spasms, blepharospasm (i.e. uncontrolled blinking), cervical dystonia (condition referring to the severe neck and shoulders muscle contractions). But in the greatest majority of cases, the primary use of the substance in question is not in treating those conditions, but for reducing wrinkles on the face and “ironing” the fine lines.
In 2002, Botox was officially approved by the FDA and has been employed ever since as one of the most effective methods for anti-aging treatment. What has contributed to its popularity is the fact that, unlike other cosmetic surgery procedures, all it takes is a Botox injection and that is it. Prior to applying Botox injection, it is extremely important that a doctor sterilizes and cleans the area in question by means of a non-alcohol cleansing solution (e.g. Betadine). Once this taken care of, the next step is the application of an anesthetic, topical in nature, followed by the Botox injection. What Botox actually does is weakening the muscles, and also limiting their contractive characteristics, which is the main reason behind the fact that after injecting Botox muscles tend to be less tense and rested. One downfall is the fact that this effect is not long-lasting, i.e. its duration is limited to no more than four to six months.
The general costs of such a procedure can vary to a great extent, given the fact that they are determined by the quantity of units that are employed, as well as the number of areas that require the injecting of Botox. In most cases, one unit of this substance is priced at 10 to 15 US dollars, but, since a “session” is often more requiring, the average cost varies somewhere from 300-350 per one session, and can reach up to 1,200 US dollars.
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