Mononucleosis is a kind of an infectious disease which functions by increasing the blood cells that have a single nucleus. The infection is usually spread by saliva. It is sometimes called “the kissing disease” since that is the way that it is most frequently transmitted from one person to another.
What are the symptoms of mononucleosis?
The symptoms of mononucleosis take a while to start manifesting themselves. Only after the period of about a month or so will the infected person have swollen glands which will make it increasingly difficult to swallow without being in a lot of pain. The swelling is also likely to spread to the tonsils and lymph nodes. Besides that, a fever will undoubtedly take place, followed by complete exhaustion, severe headaches and sometimes a rash. The liver and the spleen will become enlarged, forcing the infected person to reduce any kind of movement to a minimum, since the liver could burst and lead to some permanent damage, or even death, if a sudden hit or anything similar is obtained to that area.
What are the causes of mononucleosis?
As previously stated, mononucleosis is spread by saliva and most likely through kissing. It is not considered to be a serious disease, and one could say that it is more uncomfortable than serious because it requires complete rest. If the doctor’s orders are followed precisely, it is not likely to have any complications whatsoever and having it once also creates immunity for any future encounters with the virus.
What are the conventional methods to treat mononucleosis?
The most basic treatment for mononucleosis includes bed rest and the intake of a lot of fluids. As for the medications, there aren’t any which have a direct effect to the disease itself, but some are used to deal with certain symptoms. For example, some people need pain killers because of a strong fever that they are experiencing, while others need medications or antibiotics to treat their sore throats whose pain makes it almost impossible to swallow anything, even fluids.
Which homeopathic remedies can help in dealing with mononucleosis?
First of all, it is highly recommended to eat foods which contain a lot of antioxidants. These can be found in green vegetables and fruits like cherries and blueberries. Furthermore, avoiding to eat processed foods and those that are rich in fats and sugar is also important to do. All in all, trying to eat as healthy as possible and drink a lot of water, while avoiding harmful substances like coffee and cigarettes, will surely strengthen the immune system and allow the body to get rid of the virus as soon as possible. Combining this kind of a healthy diet with homeopathic remedies like belladonna, ferrum phosphoricum, kali muriaticum, mercurius, or phytolacca will make the disease as short-lasting as possible.
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