Mononucleosis is a disease caused by a virus that gets transmitted through saliva. Some call it the kissing disease because it can be transmitted through kissing but it can also be transmitted by exposure to sneezing or coughing. Sharing glasses and food utensil with a person who has mononucleosis must be avoided as well. Mononucleosis is always most likely to appear in young adults and adolescents. If it occurs in children quiet often it gets unrecognized. A person who suffers from mononucleosis must rest as much as possible and indigest a lot of fluids because the spleen may become enlarged.
An enlarged spleen is one of the most common complications of mononucleosis. In the most extreme cases the spleen may rupture which is recognized by a sharp pain in the upper left part of the abdomen and if that happens one must seek immediate medical attention because ruptured spleen may require a surgery. Mononucleosis may also cause certain liver complications. The most common of them is hepatitis, in which the patient experiences a mild inflammation of the liver. Jaundice is a little less common than hepatitis, but it still may occur in some cases. Jaundice causes yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes.
There are certain lesser common complications of mononucleosis, but they still can occur in some cases. Anemia can occur in some cases and that means that a person will suffer a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells. Thrombocytopenia is a condition in which a person has a significantly lower count of platelets which in charge of blood clotting. Mononucleosis can also cause the heart to become inflamed in certain rare cases. Another complication may include swelling of the tonsils which may result in breathing difficulties. Other complications of mononucleosis includes encephalitis, meningitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome and various other problems concerning the nervous system. Epstein-Barr virus is present in people who suffer from mononucleosis and it can potentially cause certain other more severe illnesses.
Home Remedies
There are certain home remedies that can be used in the treatment and relieving the symptoms of mononucleosis. The most important thing that should be stressed out is that a person needs to rest in bed as much as possible. Ingesting plenty of fluids such as fruit juices and water is very beneficial in relieving sore throat and fever and preventing dehydration. Over thecounterpain relievers can be used to relieve fever and pain. Sore throat can be relieved by gargling with salt water. Return to normal physical activities should be gradual, because otherwise it may lead to a spleen rupture.
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