Disorders of breathing, or as the medical experts refer to them, respiratory conditions, are among the most frequent health problems in the general population. Especially common are infections of the lungs (or, as they are medically called, pulmonary infections) and they are becoming more and more resistant to conventional drugs (antibiotics) lately, as resistance grows. Pulmonary infections are also increasingly common, partly because of rising air pollution levels.
The majority of lung infections are of s viral origin, and that is why they can’t be treated with the use of antibiotics. These viral lung infections are most often spread among the elderly, very young, and the population with weaker immunity.

Homeopathy for Lung Infections?
So, having in mind that conventional medicine is prone to lose its ability to cure the diseases related to the lungs, through time, mostly because of the mentioned resistance and the adaptation of germs to medications, some people think the best solution is to choose from among alternative treatments.
In this case, homeopathic treatment is among the most popular choices. Homeopathic medicine deals with a condition by focusing on a combination of the most prominent indicators of a disease (e.g. a lot of them are focused on treating the problem of the accumulation of fluid in the lungs), by using natural remedies diluted in alcohol or water, based on a wide variety of beneficial herbs that have been used in traditional forms of medicine for a long time.
However, the most important part of homeopathic treatment is to carefully examine the effect of the first dose of the chosen remedy on the organism and then gradually increase it if the effect is satisfying, or showing promise in improving the person's health.
- This retrospective analysis of patients’ medical records focused on a single centre from 2002 to 2011, and examined 459 patients, out of whom 248 were treated with homeopathic medicine (specific extract of duck liver and heart) and 211 were not treated. All patients were followed-up for at least 1 year, and up to a maximum of 10 years.
- A significant reduction in the frequency of onset of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) was found in both the homeopathic medicine and untreated groups. The reduction in the mean number of RTI episodes during the period of observation vs. the year before inclusion in the study was significantly greater in the homeopathic-treated group than in untreated patients (-4.76?±?1.45 vs. -3.36?±?1.30; p?=?0.001).
- The beneficial effect of the homeopathic medicine was not significantly related to gender, age, smoking habits or concomitant respiratory diseases when compared to the effect observed in untreated patients.
In cases of lung infections, every single homeopathic remedy is focused on the enhancement of immunity, because it is, actually, seen as the root of the problem. Also, having in mind this fact, it is logical that all the below-listed remedies could help in preventing a malignant tumor of the lungs.
The Most Effective Remedies: What is the Homeopathic Approach to Lung Infections?
If there is a secretion of rather dense mucus, Pulsatilla or Justicia adhatoda would most commonly be used, and in the case of an inflammation of the bronchi, Sambus nigra is seen as the better choice among homeopaths.
Meanwhile, if a fluid build up and swelling (edema) appeared in the lungs, and the coughing is accompanied by contractions of this organ, Kali phos is the remedy which should be used according to homeopathic medicine. If a feeling of the pressure in the chest is constant, Phosphorus should be used (this also treats the problems with the discharge of the blood of the lungs and the malignant tumors, proponents will say).
If, additionally, the pressure is placed on the larynx, Chelidonum majus is the recommended homeopathic remedy. Also, when the patient experiences especially heavy pain when inhaling, Conium maculatum is the best solution. If the pain is heavier in the left part of the lungs, the patient should be under treatment with Euphorbium officinarum.
However, if someone expels any blood through the mouth, in the act of coughing, Crotalus horridus would be used in homeopathy. And, if the urge for throwing up is also present, the remedy called Sulphuricum acidum is the better solution.
In the case of ulcers which could spread to the other organs as well, Methylene blue is the homeopathic remedy which would be used. Bryonia, Chelidonum majus and Bromium are the most recommended for asthma and pneumonia patients, and for tuberculosis patients, Arsenicum iodatum, Acalypha indica, and Aranea diadema are used.
This overview of homeopathic remedies for lung infections is of an informative nature — conditions like pneumonia can prove to be fatal, and in some cases, only modern medicine provides a chance of healing. It is always advisable to seek advice from a licensed medical doctor if you believe that you have a lung infection.
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