Since this kind of the chronic headache is somehow inseparable from the emotional stress and mental pressure, the homeopathic treatment emerges like the best solution for this problem. That is, this kind of the treatment, which is based on the use of the herbal substances (that would cause some contraindications in the healthy individuals), combined with the conventional treatment based on the painkillers, offers the best results. And it becomes even more and more popular lately because migraines have shown to be almost incurable, so the medications are no longer enough, but we must focus on attacking this persistent problem from all the sides.
Migraine is the condition manifested as the severe headache, which is usually accompanied with the nausea, dizziness and the urge for vomiting. In order to treat this problem, as already said, the holistic approach must be undertaken. That means that rather thorough description of one’s lifestyle must be made to the experienced homeopath, so that he could choose the best herbal remedy among the numerous beneficial herbs for the migraines, in general.
Also, consequently, the first advice that would be given is to stay away from the known provokers of the migraine, for example, from the very bright lights.
The beneficial herbs
Each herb is used depending on the description of the pain in the head, since it is the most prominent symptom. So, in the case of the unbearably painful sessions, which are harder on the left hemisphere of the head, Spigelia is the herb that should be used. However, when the whirling sensation in the head is included and the pain becomes worse when not eating for several hours or when lying on the affected side of the head, the herb called Sepia is the best choice there is. In those cases, the affected individuals also show the signs of the problems of the emotional nature, such as the irritation and the antisocial personality disorder.
Nevertheless, there is a type of the migraine that affects only the female population, especially before getting the period and it is more of the emotionally induced headache. The nervousness is increased dramatically, and the most beneficial herb for such a migraine is Silicea.
If the pain is spread over the nape and neck, and if it gradually increases, spreading also over the frontal regions of the head, the remedy based on Belladona is the best solution. But sometimes the pain can start its spreading from one eye and ends up like the severe headache which can be described as the one that could cut the head in the two halves. In that case, Bryonia must be used as the remedy.
These are only the most popular herbs for alleviating the pain caused by the different types of the migraines. Of course, fortunately, there is a lot more of the beneficial herbs and it is always the best advice to consult a homeopath if suffering from any type of migraine.
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