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Frequent urination is an medically referred to as urinary incontinence and it is a condition in which a patient is unable to control the movements of the bladder. The condition can grow to be very irritating and, in certain situations, socially embarrassing. The common causes may include prolonged retention, diabetes and numerous other underlying medical conditions.

Other causes may include cystitis and an infection of the urinary tract. Frequent urination can be easily characterized by an urge to urinate often, pain or irritation, fatigue, increased thirst, inability to control bladder movement, alterations in appetite or a change in color of urine.

Home Remedies

There are numerous home remedies that can be used for the treatment of frequent urination. One of the most simple and the most common remedies can be made from yogurt and basil leaves. Those who suffer from frequent urination should follow a steady and balanced diet. Cranberry juice is also one of the most efficient home remedies that can be used to fight frequent urination caused by an infection of the urinary tract. Basil leaves can be used to extract the juice and then it can be mixed with honey to provide a very potent remedy.

Yogurt in its fresh and plain form is very beneficial for the treatment of this condition because it has very strong antibacterial properties which provide the precious relief. Drinking lots of water on a daily basis is another good idea because it is very efficient in preventing dehydration and flushing out numerous toxic substances from the body.

It is strongly recommended to indulge in kegel exercises on a daily basis because they can be very beneficial in providing one with control over the bladder. Phytoestrogens can also be very beneficial for the condition. Those who suffer from frequent urination should ingest more fibrous foods and they should avoid alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and foods that are rich in saturated fats.

Pumpkin seeds can be of great help while cleavers and cornsilk have proven to be very powerful remedies for the treatment of numerous inflammations that can be associated with the condition. Vitamin C is also very important in fighting bladder infections. Magnesium can also be very helpful since it restores muscle health. Cornus is another efficient remedy that strengthens the kidneys and solves the problem by doing so. Dodder is an herb that also affects the kidneys in a positive way and relieves frequent urination. Valerian can also be helpful because it treats the infections of the urinary tract and relaxes the muscles.

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