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When a child has an urge to urinate more often than it is normal, it is called frequency or frequent urination. Since the bladder in the children are smaller and since they process the fluids more rapidly that adults, the children urinate more frequently than adults. However, when they urinate more than 10 times a day, then it may be the frequency. Bed-wetting, polyuria or excessive urine production and frequent urination at night are the most common indicators that the child is suffering from the frequency.

Causes of frequent urination in children

In order to treat frequency successfully, it is important to detect the cause first. Therefore, when a child urinates more often than normal, the parents should take the child to a doctor who will recommend a proper treatment after diagnosing frequency through the urinalysis.

One of the major causes for the occurrence of this condition is diabetes mellitus or juvenile diabetes. This condition is also manifested through excessive thirst and hunger, as well as loss of the body weight. On the other hand, diabetes insipidus may also trigger frequent urination in children although this condition rarely affects the children. The main cause for the development of this type of diabetes is the insufficiency of the anti-diuretic hormone, which causes the malfunction of the kidneys, thus resulting in excessive urine production and excessive thirst.Extraordinary daytime urinary frequency syndrome, which is also named pollakiuria, is a condition usually found in the children from 3 to 8 years of age. This condition is manifested through the frequent urination during the day with small amounts of urine each time the child use the toilet.Urinary tract infection also triggers frequent urination in children accompanied by the need to urinate immediately, painful urination and burning sensation when urinating. Some other symptoms of urinary tract infection in children are bloody or cloudy urine, pain in the back and abdomen, and nausea.Voiding dysfunction in children is also responsible for the incidence of frequency. It is a disorder that occurs when the child repeatedly does not empty the bladder completely when urinating, thus causing the sphincter muscle overactivity.In girls, frequent urination may be triggered by vulvovaginalitis, which is the inflammation of the vaginal area.

Treatment of frequent urination in children

If some infection causes this condition, the doctors prescribe antibiotics. If some type of diabetes induced frequent urination then some insulin therapy is required. Certain antifungal and antibacterial lotions or creams are necessary in the case of vulvovaginalitis.

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