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Even though excessive urination is commonly considered to be a normal sign of aging, it should never be disregarded and overlooked. Namely, frequent and excessive urination, medically known as polyuria, is a condition where people expel more than 2.5 liters of urine per day. This kind of urination is not healthy and should be further looked into. Therefore, seeking medical assistance once you notice the symptoms of this condition is highly recommended.

Reasons behind Excessive Urination

First of all, numerous types of diabetes may be triggering excessive urination. Alternatively a condition named psychogenic polydipsia may be causing the abnormal urination, especially when it affects women older than 30.

Among other causes of excessive urination there are sickle cell anemia, medications like, for example, diuretics, salt wasting kidney conditions, overactive bladder, infections of the urinary tract, bladder cancer or bladder dysfunction. Radiation therapy for cancer is also capable of triggering excessive urination in patients. Nevertheless, the same effect may stem from underlying heart conditions or increased intake of fluids, especially those rich in caffeine or alcohol. Finally, undergoing tests which involve the insertion of dye into your blood vessels may cause you to urinate more than you usually do.

Facts about Excessive Urination

Apart from the above mentioned causes, frequent and excessive urination may be directly influenced by nerve damage, interstitial cystitis affecting the bladder or an enlarged prostate. All these factors are commonly seen in men who experience excessive urination problems.

On the other hand, women with the same issue usually find themselves in this state of affairs due to their pregnancy, where the growing uterus presses the bladder, triggering urination more often. Alternatively, a female may suffer from sexually transmitted diseases, thyroid disorders, tumors pressing onto the bladder, ovaries or the uterus as well as multiple pregnancy, suffering from excessive urination subsequently.

As for children, excessive urination is a common sign of kidney diseases, urinary tract infection, anxiety and stress, diabetes or certain behavioral problems. However, the issue may be far more benign, since small children often hold their urine in order to play more, triggering dysfunctions in the long run. Also, low levels of female hygiene may lead to a vaginal infection called vulvovaginitis, affeciting girls and resulting in excessive urination, among other symptoms.

Night Urination

If this problem appears during the night, it is commonly caused by a full or sensitive bladder.

All in all, due to many different causes of this problem, it is best to seek medical assistance, ruling out some of more severe triggers, or having them treated timely.

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