Urinary Tract Infection or UTI is also known as cystitisis. Symptoms of UTI are very frequent urinating, followed with sting sensation of burning and pain Urine is smelly, discolored and cloudy. If untreated, bladder or urinary infection may cause high fever and kidney pain, and it must be treated immediately.
A good alternative to regular medicaments can be homeopathic medicine. It treats range of diseases; it takes a different approach on how to treat the patient. You must choose the one that best suits your type of problem. Depending of remedy you choose, you can apply it either daily or, or even hourly. About dosage and frequency of use, best consult with your homeopath. Homeopathic remedies are natural and non toxic.
There are many homeopathic remedies that you can use for cystitis or infected bladder.
Nux vomicaRecomended homeopathic remedy in cases of UTI, with need to urinate frequently, passes only small amounts of urine at the time. Also, there can be some burning pain in bladder region.
StaphysagriaRecommended for patients, in cases that they should develop UTI, after having sexual intercourse. They have burning feeling in urethra and have inability to empty bladder to the full.
SarsaparillaIn cases of urinary tract infections with unclear symptoms, and the other remedies are not helpful, this remedy is often used.
Aconitum apellusRecomended remedy in cases of anxiousness before and after urinating, and burning pain in the bladder.
SepiaRecommended in cases of UTI, when patient have a sudden, almost uncontrollable urge to urinate. Patient also experienced pain above pubic bone region.
CantharisOften used in cases when patients feel sharp pain before urine passes, and strong urge to urinate.
Berberis vulgarisCommonly used in cases of cystitis followed with burning, sharp pain, especially with passage of urine.
Apis mellificaRecommended remedy in cases of frequent urinating. Patient with this type of problems is able to pass only small quantities of urine.
BelladonnaUsed in cases of UTI, when there is a very sensitive feeling in the bladder. Urine is also highly colored.
ClematisRecommended remedy in cases of frequent urinating. Flow of urine is interrupted, and patient is able to pass only small quantities of urine, and the time.
Chimaphila umbellateThis remedy is recommended in cases when there is a strong urge to urinate, but has to strain to make it pass.
EquisetumRecommended homeopathic remedy in cases of cystitis followed by dull pain, and filling of bladder fullness, although is just emptied it.
LypocopodiumGood choice for homeopathic remedy in cases of UTI, with need to urinate frequently, passes only small amounts of urine at the time. Urges to urinate gets worse in the night.
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