Sore gums can result because of many different things, from one’s poor dental care to certain medications or a vitamin C deficiency.
If a person has false teeth and does not take care of them properly, they might experience sore gums, which will probably result for some kinds of infection of the mouth.
Wearing dentures or other types of false teeth for a prolonged period of time can cause soreness of the gums.
It is very important for people who have this problem to diagnose the root of the problem and to make all necessary changes that will help relieve the soreness.
If the soreness is mild or moderate, it can be treated with the use of home remedies, however, the more severe cases will probably require medical attention and a visit to the doctor’s office.
If the natural remedies do not work, then the best thing to do is to see a dentist, preferably the one that was responsible for giving the person the new false teeth.
One of the best home remedies is salt water, which can be used to clean the gums, allow them to heal faster, and reduce the chance of further infections.
Pure Aloe Vera juice can also be applied to the sore gums to relieve the problems.
The Aloe Vera extract can also speed up the healing process. Foods should not be eaten for at least 30 minutes after the Aloe Vera has been applied, however.
Cabbage juice is also good for taking care of the soreness. Raw cabbage juice applied with a cotton swab onto the gums will help heal them.
It is also a good idea to rinse the mouth with green tea. Most herbal teas are actually very good for relieving soreness of the gums. They can be consumed four to five times a day until the soreness is relieved.
It is very important to take proper care of the dentures in order to avoid such problems. They also need to be removed at some time, perhaps while a person is sleeping or when they are all alone and are not doing anything that has to do with the mouth, like talking or eating. The gums need to rest and to breathe.
It is also important to clean the dentures at least once a day in order to avoid infections.
The best way to avoid soreness is to take good care of the dentures and to clean and brush them every day repeatedly, because most of the time, the soreness is caused by infections that result from putting dirty dentures into the mouth.
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